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[ C H A P T E R 41 ]


As the tendrils of the intricate narrative continue to weave through the tapestry of the story, the enigma of unrevealed truths hangs in the air. The echoes of past events resonate in the characters' lives, promising further revelations that are yet to unfold.

The stage is set for the curtains to rise on the next act, where secrets buried in the depths of time and concealed motives yearn to break free. Unseen forces and unforeseen connections lie beneath the surface, awaiting their moment to emerge into the light. Everyone is anxious as the next move of the chess piece awaits.

Now, let's rewind to when Annika caught the deities having a chat with the duke. Brace yourselves, folks, because another bombshell is about to drop.

"Your grace..." Wince suddenly arrived from the thin air and called the attention of the duke. "Should we keep this meeting super hush-hush? Maybe Cyan should be in the loop just in case things go south," Wince suggested.

Roshan, the duke, was having none of it. "We keep it tight and involve only a few. I don't want my wife catching a whiff of anything fishy," he declared, his tone firm and unwavering.

Wince, being the curious fellow he is, dared to ask, "When did you start suspecting the duchess?" He quickly backtracked, realizing he might've crossed a line. "Sorry, your grace, you don't have to answer that-"

"I don't suspect my wife," the duke shut it down. After a heavy sigh, he stared into the garden's greenery. "It's her sister, Laviene. Ever since she came back from that poisoning incident, she's been acting strange. She can't look me in the eye, she talks to herself, and sometimes freezes like a statue," he spilled.

Wince tried to offer a more optimistic perspective, "Maybe it's just the pregnancy, your grace."

"I want to believe that," the duke sighed again. "But, notice how she's been immune to blood for a while now. It doesn't faze her much, unless she's mad or feeling betrayed," he explained.

Wince, genuinely concerned, asked, "What do you think is going on with the Duchess?"

"That's the question. That's why I'm summoning the goddess of time and the Hashire Prince. I need answers, and I need them now," the duke stated, his urgency echoing in his voice.

As the duke's determination lingered in the air, a soft rustling sound emerged, and the deities manifested before them. Wince's lip formed a lovely smile as his arms snaked around the goddess of time's waist.

"Hi, baby," Wince uttered as Giselle's form was unveiled. "You are gorgeous as ever, my lovely bride," he added.

"Quit your flattery, god of love," Giselle, the goddess of time said as she hugged Wince, displaying their affection.

"I believe you two are not the only people here," Roshan uttered looking at them. Then their eyes landed on Prince Raphael Hashire who was sitting on the grass, and started playing the zither.

"Your highness, glad you came," Wince uttered, recognizing the presence of the Prince. But the Hashire Prince doesn't speak unless he dares to. "Okay, why don't we start the meeting?' he added after a long silence.

"Your Grace," the goddess of time, Giselle, spoke with a voice as gentle as a breeze. "You have summoned us. What troubles your heart?"

Roshan took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "I need to understand what's happening to my wife. She's been behaving strangely, and I fear it's more than just the pregnancy."

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