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This chapter is written in ENGLISH, and typed from an OMNISCIENT point of view. If I use Latisha kasi, parang hindi naman niya alam anong nangyayari sa labas so, I have to improvise.


[ C H A P T E R 36 ]


Within the hallowed halls of the grand mansion, a somber hush settled like a shroud. The usually vibrant corridors whispered with an eerie silence, the walls bearing witness to the collective prayers woven into the very fabric of the estate.

The air, heavy with anticipation, carried the weight of countless breaths drawn in unison—a mansion holding its breath, yearning for reassurance. The grandeur of the architecture, once an emblem of strength, now echoed the quiet anxiety that permeated every corner.

In each room, from the ornate chambers to the humblest corners, whispered prayers escaped lips that seldom uttered such solemn pleas. The servants moved with muted footsteps, their every action an offering to the silent prayer that reverberated through the very foundations of the mansion.

As sunlight streamed through elaborately adorned windows, casting gentle patterns on the polished floors, the mansion stood in solemn solidarity. It wasn't just a dwelling; it was a haven tethered to the heartbeat of those within its walls.

Beyond the facade of opulence, each room held stories, dreams, and quiet fears. The mansion, a silent witness to the ebb and flow of life, now cradled the collective worry for a duchess and the unborn children whose fate hung in the balance.

Outside, the gardens stood still, petals holding their breath as if time itself had paused. The very essence of the estate seemed to be entwined with the pulse of the one who had become its heartbeat—the duchess.

In this suspended moment, the mansion became a sanctuary of shared hope, where every silent wall echoed the fervent prayers for safety and life. The grandeur faded, revealing the vulnerability hidden within the opulence, as the mansion held its collective breath, waiting for news that would either lift the shadows or plunge it into a profound silence.

Outside the chamber, the Knights, stalwart guardians in times of peril, found themselves confounded by the anguished screams that reverberated within. The terror-laden symphony, conducted by the duchess's pain, resonated in the hallowed halls.

Cyan, usually brimming with confidence, ran a hand through his hair, disheveled strands mirroring the disarray of their collective thoughts. "I've faced battles, seen wounds, but this... It's like the very walls are quivering with her agony."

Erwan, the butler, struggled for words. "What could inflict such torment? And the duke's cries... it's as if they share a nightmare."

Logan, his usual composure faltering, voiced the question that hung heavy in the air. "We need answers. What's happening there? Is there anything we can do?"

Nethys, the epitome of calm and silent personality, betrayed a flicker of concern. "I can't comprehend this. It's beyond anything I've encountered."

As they grappled with the mystery, Annika, innocent and unknowing, approached with wide eyes. "What happened? Where's Mommy?" Her delicate voice added a poignant note to the cacophony outside the chamber.

Nethys swiftly carried her away, attempting to shield her from the turmoil. "Annika, let's go for a walk. Your mother needs some rest," he said, his words a feeble attempt to reassure in the face of the inexplicable.

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