Episode 50

581 11 4

Brown Cameraman's POV,

Suddenly as I tried falling asleep the base started to rumble and alarms blared throughout the entire base.

Many cameramen and Speakermen ran out to fight for the protection of the Cameramen Base.

I looked around seeing that most of the Alliance were injured in their own fights.

I sigh. Some of the Alliance Members watched as I walked out the door calmly. Slowly floating up and before long aiming my lasers at the flying Toilets. Shooting each Large Flying Toilet. One tried shooting a rocket at me but was shot down quickly as I shot forth more beams.

The Skibidi Toilets started focusing their fire at me. As I kept shooting. I flew down and quickly with the points I had gave my left arm a Strider Gun.




"BOSS LEVEL: Jetpack, Laser"

"MUTANT LEVEL: Flying Buzzsaw."

"GIANT LEVEL: Strider Gun"

As I flew around shooting more bullets at the weaker toilets and shooting lasers at the larger more powerful ones like that Flame Puking Mutant Toilet. Suddenly a menu option popped right in front of me.



"REWARDS: +2 Upgrade Slots, Compatibility/Resistance To Heat Based Attacks."

Now that's something I like to hear. I flew down right past that Plunger Cameraman again. And flew towards the Fire Spitter Toilet. I quickly shoot off his Helmet exposing his face to me as I shot both his eyes out with my Strider Gun. Before aiming the Laser Cannon I had. Right where his mouth is. Shooting right inside and destroying a chunk of his head from within. His head fell onto his toilet as I flew back to where the Cameramen stood by.

I see that Plunger Cameraman was looking at me before putting his Plungers away and giving me a thumbs up. I did the same as I narrowly avoided a laser beam.

I quickly prepare to take aim once more but the sounds of a jet engine ring out from the left side of the Camera Base.

Suddenly! Our strongest fighter! Titan Cameraman had finally come out of the Upgrading Station to defend the base. I flew back down as I check my menu.


"REWARDS: +2 Upgrade Slots, Compatibility/Resistance to Heat Based Attacks."

"You successfully have dealt with a Canon Event. Toxic Toilet (Mutant Level) had been killed prematurely."

"Rounded Up Points: 75 in Total!"

"Points: 80"

"Upgrade Slots: 2/7"

"Titan Cameraman's Energy Cannon: 50 Points, 3 Upgrade Slots."

I look at the Strider Gun on my left arm before I switched it off and regained some points and a Upgrade Slot. Suddenly an option appear before me.


"Merge: Boss Level v2 Laser Cannon + Titan Level Laser Blaster = Titan Level v3 Laser Cannon."

"Merge Requirements: ALL Remaining Points, 4 Upgrade Slots."

I stare at it for a moment. It would remove my Laser Cannon but will give me a much better weapon in return.

Oh well I mean it will take everything I had left. But it's enough of a take away.

I choose the option as my Laser Cannon started glowing as its design looked much more like Titan Cameraman's Energy Cannon.

Some of the Cameramen noticed this for a moment. But went back to getting ready to follow their Titan.

I check if my new upgrade is lose for a moment before watching Titan Cameraman Leave.


Dang! I'll only be able to get it once I remove BuzzSaw Mode and My Original Jetpack.

Oh well.

I guess I'll follow the Titan for now.


Author's Note,

Not much to say!

Stay Tuned! Stay Frosty! And have a nice day Software Gang!



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