4 | You with me

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We're all familiar with surprises, right? The time when something you least or rather never expect to happen, just greets you with the most smug smile you've ever seen and a very excited, or condescending 'heya, didn't imagine i'd be here, did ya?'. Two types of greeting, because surprises can either be good, or bad.

And, I don't know what to label this one as.

First thing to process, the motorbikes. I have never, ever known that Cheol owns a motorbike. Even Joshua for that matter, but clearly, they're planning on going on a ride, and a night ride at that.

Super fun, and I'm not being sarcastic. But, this brings me to the next thing I have to process.

The pairing. It's clear that Cheol and Sooyun will be on one bike, and Joshua and Aeri on the other. Soulmates and all, super cute. But, this means that I'm either being left out of this, or being paired with Jeonghan. The later being the reasonable explanation, because it's Cheol who planned the surprise.

Which is another thing to process, because again one, how does Jeonghan know my cousin, and two, I'm lowkey scared because I've not been on a motorbike, and clinging on to Jeonghan does not seem good for my mind, and my heart, but let's ignore the heart. Basically, I'll just die of embarrassment.

To sum up, this surprise's greeting is not quite excited, and not condescending either. It is an ice bucket bath on the coldest day of the year.

"Um, Cheol?" I turn to him, ready to ask about what exactly he is planning. He raises his eyebrows with a smug smile, waiting for my reaction to the events unfolding, but my attention moves to something behind him.

I watch as my cat stalks out from the main door to the driveway where we all are. I stand there speechless as he walks past me, without sparing me a meow which hurt, to where Jeonghan, I repeat, Jeonghan is standing. He starts rubbing his head on Jeonghan's leg, looking up at him while letting out the cutest meows.

This finally catches Jeonghan's attention enough for him to put aside his phone, and start petting my cat with the cutest smile on his face. "Hey there fluffball, where did you come from?"

All this while, I'm still standing there, baffled at cuddles' behaviour. One look around at everyone else's faces tells me that they are the same level of perplexed as me, especially Joshua as he is squinting his eyes at Jeonghan. It is not the case that my cat is unfriendly or anything, but he doesn't just normally act like this with strangers.

It took him two weeks to start acting like this with SeungCheol, and he had been staying over at my house for those weeks, meaning they had been together for not just a few hours, but two whole weeks. And for him to act this way towards Jeonghan, who is basically a stranger, is very, very unusual.

"Am I seeing this right? Is cuddles actually being clingy, and that too towards Han?" Sooyun asks, voicing out my thoughts. Jeonghan passes a glare at her word choice, still gently petting my purring cat, but now carrying him in his arms. "What's wrong with him liking me?"

"That is a privilege which even I didn't receive. It's unfair. He doesn't even know you. I was the one cleaning his litter box, and buying him food, and he still refused to cuddle me."

We all laugh at Cheol sulking because of a cat. But, I can understand him. I have seen how much effort he put in for cuddles. So, I pat his back to express my sympathy.

"Guess he likes him. Nothing we can do about that." He dramatically sighs at this, and nods. "Let's get going though, we're getting late. Too bad we can't take cuddles with us."

"Aw, sorry fluffball, I'll have to let you go now." Jeonghan makes a pouty face, watching cuddles lick his hands, as I move to get cuddles back in the house.

Invisible String | Yoon JeonghanKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat