chapter 76 - Part 3: the great war

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"There's no morning glory.
It was war. It wasn't fair."
Taylor Swift

chapter 76 - Part 3: the great war

Sebastian's Perspective

I groaned from the pain piercing through my skull, but nothing compared to the pain of seeing my love separate herself from me behind a wall of fire, her blue embers sparkling in the night.

The heat was so intense as it crawled to surround Hogwarts. Yet, there was some comforting warmth to it, touching my skin as if it were her touching me.

"Y/n," I rasped, dragging my body by my elbows across the snowy ground.

My hand flew to the necklace around my neck, the pendant warm against my skin. I could feel her presence through it, but I could no longer see her shape through the blaze. Her shadow gone.

I inhaled and exhaled through the excruciating pain, blinking away the growing haze through my vision. There was a hissing sound echoing in the back of my head, and with it came some dark magic that slowly ebbed away at my soul.

I managed to get up again, though I knew I was powerless against Y/n's ancient magic. I knew I could not throw myself across that fire. Still, I got up as if she would come running back to me But I only managed to stand for a few seconds before I stumbled to my hands and knees again, weakened.

I blinked and blinked, screaming her name until my throat felt raw. It might've only been for a minute, though it felt like an hour. I looked up at the magnificent silver-blue fire, seeming to blaze brighter until it calmed down again.


I felt the ringing in my ears subside. My vision cleared, and so did my head, as if someone took their claws off my mind.

Coughing a little with my chest heaving, I got up off the snowy ground, a huge section of it already melted from Y/n's magic. Mist shrouded the grounds. I could do nothing but stand useless for a moment, staring at where she had disappeared into.

I clutched my necklace tighter and felt for her heartbeat.

"Come back to me, Y/n," I whispered, praying she makes it back into my arms safely.

I didn't want to leave. I never wanted to leave her side...

Until my ears perked up and heard echoing screams against the crackling silver embers. And no, it did not come from Y/n's side. It came from behind me. Where I came from.

The Great Hall.

I dashed as quickly as my feet could take me, no longer feeling weak from whatever spell Marvolo had cast on us.

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