chapter 33 - deception and manipulation

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chapter 33 - deception and manipulation

Sebastian and I said our goodnights at the Ravenclaw Tower that same night, and I promised I'd see him at the Quidditch game tomorrow after a good sleep.

It was Slytherin versus Ravenclaw at the games tomorrow after all. And no, I don't plan to hold back at the game just because I've kissed him a few times... and more.

But it was a white lie because there was no way I was getting a full night's rest tonight like I promised him.

Because here I was instead, sneaking out of the Ravenclaw dormitories in my pyjamas, on my way to the Undercroft for some investigating on my own.

Sebastian, Ominis, and I have only visited the Undercroft once this whole year so far. We realized it wasn't such a secret safe space anymore since Marvolo and Morphina came to Hogwarts because they knew about it too. The Undercroft was a Gaunt secret after all.

I supposed a part of me had more than one reason to be here in the middle of the night.

I wanted to investigate, but I also wanted to reminisce about the simpler times. Back when risks weren't too risky.

Fifth Year - Fall

"This way," said Sebastian, who was leading me to a dark corner across the hallway. "There's a secret passage just here."

"You're not here to murder me for getting you in trouble at the library, are you?" I joked.

He laughed, and I somehow found myself wanting to hear more of it. "You're still in my debt for that. If I was going to plot your murder, it would need to be after."

"How gracious of you," I said, a little grin on my face.

We stopped by a peculiar wooden clock that looked like something out of Ravenclaw House, with its celestial design of gold and blue.

I tried not to think about my family house because it was reminiscent of it too. I wasn't sure if I was ready to tell him about my whole family history so I held my tongue. He had enough on his plate.

With a swish of his wand, the clock hands twirled and clicked in place, letting a doorway swing open.

"After you," offered Sebastian, waving his hand in the air.

I laughed a little at the gentleman-like gesture. "Why thank you."

I stepped through the threshold and walked down a narrow stone pathway until I reached an enormous, underground candlelit room. Four pillars were in the middle, with various books, tables, and chairs scattered around it.

"How did you find this place?" I asked.

Sebastian walked past me, hands going in his robe pockets. "My friend, Ominis Gaunt. He named it the Undercroft. We used to play gobstones here all the time with my sister, Anne. She loved that infernal game. What I wouldn't give to lose to her again."

I could tell how much he missed his sister with the tone of his voice. I couldn't help but feel a little tug in my heart.

Because being here, at Hogwarts, made me miss my siblings too. Still, I couldn't imagine what it was like being away from a twin.

I took a few paces forward and cast Revelio, just in case there was something useful in here. Sebastian didn't even bat an eye. I supposed he was used to my habit of casting Revelio everywhere by now.

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