𝐗𝐈𝐈𝐈- 𝐖𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐔𝐩

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Poe waited for the halls to be empty before he crept alongside the corners of the walls, hoping not to be seen.

All that was filling his mind were the regrets he had. Why did everything always end up in shambles and why did the people that he cared for the most always pay-

Just then, as he was lost in thought a droid was turning the corner. Poe's eyes darted at the robot examining the halls, if he was being honest he was debating on leaping over it and running as far away as he could.

'Damn,' he thought to himself as he ran his fingers through his dark black hair, 'how can I get across?' He dropped his hand from his hair close to his chest causing one of the buttons of his shirt to tug. Poe looked down at the button with an idea. He ripped off the button and with a flick of his fingers sent it flying towards the robot direction. Soon the motion detected droid sensed a disturbance and followed it.

Poe took the chance while it was still in his favour and sprinted down the halls to the medical room. Ever so quietly he slipped in while huffing out of breath.

The easy part was done. Poe now had to face the love of his life, only he wasn't his usual laughing and brave self. Now he was lying still, with every breath Poe's heart sank.

"Finn?" Poe whispered in the hope that he could hear him. Just as he expected there was no response. Poe slowly pulled up a chair and sat by Finn, not wanting to touch him in fear. "Hey bud, it's me," he said making himself known. Poe didn't know what to say so he allowed the words to flow.

"Finn... I'm so sorry- for everything!" He began to pour. "If I could change everything I would, it's my fault that you like this!" A lump began to grow in his throat. "All I'm good for is be another pawn in this forsaken war, I never meant to meet you but- I'm glad I did." Tears were now dripping from Poe's eyes. "Everything I touch... Ends up leaving me. I don't want you to leave me, Finn," he pleaded, "please."

Poe looked down at Finn's hand and slowly slipped into his own as if he would break it by only lifting it, Poe then lowered his head. "I remember the first time we met- when you pulled me in and took off your helmet... I was in awe with you," Poe admitted with a teary-eyed giggle. "I mean I was bleeding and I hadn't slept or eaten in days, but all I could feel was this...electricity as if I had found my missing piece!"

Poe looked up to still see the same unresponsive Finn. "I mean, it was something stronger than I had ever felt in my entire life. And I knew from that day on down, after we broke out and I gave you your name that...we were going to be more than anything I had ever dreamed of!"

Finn lay there, silent as the dead. Poe took in the defeat as he stood up from his chair and rubbed his tired eyes. "I just- I...I can't be without you." He confessed. "I don't want to know a future that you are not in." Poe leaned in and gave Finn a small peak on the forehead. "So this isn't a goodbye... This is a see you next time," he finally said choking up.

"I love you so please... Wake up," Poe finally said as he frighteningly backed away from the man he once knew and began to walk to the door, when all of a sudden-

"Don't stop on my account," he heard a weak voice say, "keep going."

"FINN!" Poe yawped as he ran to the love of his life whose eyes were glowing with life and charisma. Poe slid to the bed and threw his arms around Finn, causing him to lose what little breath he had left.

"Poe," Finn said weakly.

"Sorry!" Poe said as he backed away from the hospitalized man. Finn smiled as he tried to sit up from his bed. "Don't push yourself!" Poe advised as he helped him up.

"I just need to take a walk that's all," Finn teased as he looked up at the handsome face he was so fond of looking at.

"So," Poe said rubbing the back of his neck embarrassed, "how much did you hear."

Finn laughed at his shyness. Poe couldn't stop looking at his smile. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Just then, as if Poe's heart was moving faster than his mind he kissed Finn. It was a quick kiss. Finn looked up, wide-eyed. Poe regretted it right away. Maybe he should have waited for a better time. Maybe he could have asked for his permission.

Just then Finn reached for Poe's face and pulled him in for another kiss. This one more sweeter than the last. Poe never wanted the moment to end, that is until he saw something from the corner of his eye.

"Poe, FINN?!"

"LEIA?" Poe said pulling away, "I CAN EXPLAIN!"

Stormpilot Book 1- You Need a Pilot?Where stories live. Discover now