Chapter Nineteen

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"Did Suguru really ask you to join him?"

I purse my lips as I look up at Gojo, we're stood in the freezing streets on Shinkuju, it's Christmas Eve, there as so many places I'd rather be right now than waiting to fight my best friend. He's not your best friend anymore. He hasn't been for 10 years, I remind myself.

"He did," I answer quietly as I nod, "I assumed he asked you too."

Gojo shakes his head and looks down, "No, he didn't ask me, I think I made it pretty obvious that I would've said no. Were you really thinking about it like he said?"

Remaining silent for a moment, I pull my uniform tightly around my shivering body, "I thought about it for a moment, but it's not like I agreed. Besides, it was 10 years ago, I only even let myself think about it because I was desperate."

He nods, re-tying his bandages around his head and covering his glowing blue eyes once again, "I know. I know that you wouldn't have said yes."

We stand in silence for a moment, the bitter wind biting at my face and my hands. I re-adjust the knife belt around my waist, it contains some real daggers that I occasionally use as well as my daggers formed from my cursed energy.

"Why is he doing this now? Did he really just spend 10 years gathering curses for this attack?" I ask, looking around Shinjuku once again, I feel uneasy, like something's going to go horribly wrong.

Gojo lets out a trembling breath, "I really don't know. I thought he only hated non-sorcerers."

"Do you really think that letting Toge and Panda come is a good idea?" The two students are preparing for the battle nearby, as well as several other Jujutsu sorcerers.

"You worry about our students too much, they're strong, they'll be okay. And we're here as well so we can keep an eye on them."

Maki and Yuta are back at the school. We couldn't risk Yuta unleashing Rika here. He'd be able to wipe out the opposition, but Rika could easily also wipe out our side. And none of the other sorcerers thought that letting Maki come would be a good idea, even though she could probably beat most Jujutsu sorcerers that I know in a fight, even without cursed energy. Her strength and combat abilities are incredible.

Megumi is at our apartment, where we believe that he'll be safest and away from all of the commotion.

Suddenly, hundreds of curses emerge from the floor and I notice a few of Geto's curse users stood on the roof of a nearby building.

"I'll see you in a bit, right Satoru?"

Gojo gives me a strained grin, "I'll see you in a bit."

Just as I'm about to head into the mass of curses, I notice Ijichi hurrying over to Gojo and explaining something to him, too quietly for me to hear. It's enough to make Gojo's jaw clench and he immediately hurries over to Toge and Panda and teleports them somewhere else.

"What was that about?" I shout over to Gojo.

He looks slightly panicked, "I think Suguru's at the school. Get there as soon as you've exorcised the more dangerous curses here."

I nod. Why is Suguru at the school? Is this all a cover up so that he can do something else? Or is Satoru wrong? But to be fair, I would have guessed that Suguru would've been on the front lines, but he's not here.

Summoning multiple of my daggers, I head straight into the middle of the chaos. There's a special grade curse here, I can sense it's cursed energy. I should probably take that one out, Gojo and I are the only special grades here and it would be extremely difficult for anyone else here to exorcise it.

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