Gojo speaks up, "Oh yeah, this is Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School. You're here to learn how to fight curses and exorcise them, you know?" Yuta's eyes widen and it seems like he's only finding out all of the information about the school right now

I shoot Gojo an annoyed look, "Did you not explain any of this to the poor kid?"

Gojo shrugs, "I forgot. Besides, you didn't tell him either."

"Because I thought you had!"

Maki, Toge and Panda are also staring at Gojo with the usual disapproving looks that they give him.

Gojo clears his throat, crossing his arms as he leans against the wall and gestures back towards Yuta, "And, guys, I'd step away if I were you."

Two spindly hands reach out from the board, wrenching Maki's blade out of teh board as they do so, "Yuuuutaaaaa."

The students' eyes widen as they see this and they immediately step backwards. The panic on Yuta's face is obvious, he's worried about someone getting hurt, "Rika! Stop!"

His voice is pleading and he hold out his hands, trying to stop the curse from doing anything but, as she continues to emerge from the board, reaching out towards the three first years, she continues to glare menacingly at the three students and continues to call out in a screech, "Don't hurt Yuta."

"Rika! Please, it's fine!" Yuta is breathing erratically now. I feel bad, we promised that Rika wouldn't hurt anybody else. I should probably step in. Gojo, however, is making no move to do anything.

As I step forwards to help with the situation, Gojo grabs me arm to stop me from moving and whispers to me, "Leave it for now. The first years won't have any respect for Yuta if they don't at least see Rika in action. We'll step in if it gets out of hands."

"But we promised him that he would never accidentally hurt anyone else," I frown as I look at Yuta, he's still desperately begging Rika to leave the others alone.

Rika takes a swipe at the three of them, Maki blocks the attack with her cursed spear but she seems to struggle. Then, Rika launches a series of attacks at the three of them, hitting them all. Yuta lets out another yell, trying to convince Rika to stop it.

For a few minutes, the first years fight Rika, but as I see Toge about to yell a command at Rika with his cursed technique, I quickly step him. I'm not letting the students get any serious injuries and when Toge uses his cursed speech on a more powerful curse, it really messes up his vocal chords and his throat.

I summon five cursed daggers and immediately steer Rika away from the students, Toge cuts himself off so that he doesn't use his cursed technique and Panda and Maki seem to relax slightly. Rika seems to be less angry now that nobody's threatening Yuta anymore so she disappears soon after my daggers start attacking her.

Yuta is obviously relived when this happens and immediately blurts out an apology, his voice nervous still, "I am so sorry! I-"

"You need to stop apologising kid," Gojo says to him with a grin, "It was those three who initiated the fight."

In return for his comment, Gojo just receives three harsh glares.

I sigh and head over to my desk in the front corner of the room, I pull open a drawer and toss Maki, Panda and Toge some bandages and plasters for the scrapes and bumps they received in the fight.

"Thanks," Panda says, sounding slightly slightly cheerier than the other two.

"Salmon," Toge mutters, causing Yuta to look even more confused and Maki just grunts.

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