Eagle Man Bio

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Name: Gary Black

Alias: Eagle Man, Sky Sentinel, Talon Knight, Feathered Avenger

Nickname: Dear (by Leina), Feathered Hero (by citizens), Bro (by his teammates), Aibou (by his teammates)

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Affiliation: Armor Heroes, Rebellion

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Affiliation: Armor Heroes, Rebellion

Occupation: Vigilante


Gary Black was born in a remote village nestled amidst towering mountains and lush forests. From a young age, the hero displayed an exceptional affinity for birds, especially eagles. He could communicate with them, understand their calls, and even soar with them in his dreams. This unique gift drew the attention of the village's elder, who believed the boy was destined for greatness.

One day, while exploring the mountains, the hero discovered a hidden chamber deep within a cave. Inside, he found a device which transformed him into the legendary Armor Hero Eagle Man. With his newfound powers, Eagle Man was tasked with defending not only his village but also the entire world from supernatural threats.

Personality: Kind-heart, Caring, Loving, Hot-Blooded, Compassion, Flirty, Teasing, Determined, Brave, Loyal, Respect, Understanding, Sympathy, Rude (To people he hates), Cold (To people he hates), Resentful (To Corrupt people), Brutal (To his enemy)

Likes: His friends, Rebellion, Tomoe, Helping people, Saving people, Protecting people, Studying, Riding his bike to feel the wind, Traveling around the world, Training his fighting skills, Hanging out with his friends

Dislikes: Swamp Witch, Claudette Vance, Bully, Rapist, Racism, Abuser, Slavery, Corruption, People who use others for their own, People who betray his friends, People who NTR his girl

Love Interest: Tomoe

Love Interest: Tomoe

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Armor: Eagle Man

Armor: Eagle Man

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