period and cramps and snow

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(don't mind my grammar- it's extra horrible today)

One exhausting day after another. My chemistry teacher just won't stop talking. His words are ringing in my head causing me a huge headache. He isn't even talking about chemistry- no, he's giving us a lesson on how to take better care of our climate. "His wife will need a lesson on how to take care of his grave when I'm done with him." I whisper to my best friend sitting next to me. Marry was just giving me a look telling me to shut up or Mr. Burth will beat our ass. He has a strong 'not talking' policy.

10..9..8..7 come on I wanna goo.. 3..2..1. Finally that damn bell went off and I can leave. I stand up from my chair and instantly regret. It's a god damn waterfall. Deep breath. After running out of the classroom like its burning inside, I take a turn left, down the hallway and another one right. Here I am. The best place at that fucked up place. Her classroom. A few 5th graders are just leaving as I place myself in the doorway. "Have a nice day see you next week guys!" She was screaming at the top of her lung so the ones who already ran out could still hear her.

She doesn't see me at first but as she does her face brightens up immediately. "y/n! My dear how are you?" I turned around to see the last girl leaving. I couldn't hold it in any longer. Tears started to run down my face. She dropped her folders on the table and walked up to me. "Hey, what's wrong?" I've cried in front of her so often but it's still embarrassing for me. As I gave no answer she wrapped her arm around me pulling me into a warm hug. "You don't need to talk if you don't want to." Her voice was like a warm bed after a long day, a sunny day after so many rainy ones, a sky full of stars after cloudy nights like a melody in a room of dead silence. And that's when the pain kicked in again. I immediately rolled up into a ball making me sink to the ground. "Oh lord, y/n are you ok? Do you need something?" the tone of her voice now turned into a worried one. But she was still hugging me tight. like I'm about to float away and she's the only thing that could save me. "Just.. just period." I pressed out between my teeth. "Wait here. Don't move, alright?" Before I could say something she started running out. And here I'm. sitting rolled up at the floor of her classroom.

I don't know how long she was away but it felt way too long. "I'm so sorry it took me so long but I had some explaining to do." And I soon understood why. She carefully wrapped a blanked over my shoulders and helped me get up. "Here, sit on the table. that's not as cold as the ground." She pressed a hot water bottle against my belly and handed me a cup with red liquor. I look at her with a huge question mark on my face. "That's just tea. Drink it. It will help." Her smile's so warm. She sat herself next to me on the way to tiny table, wrapping an arm around me and looking outside of the window. We hat a perfect view on the schoolyard. "Thank you Miss y/ft/n." I said leaning my head against her. "Oh look, its snowing!" Her eyes are shining like from a child. I couldn't take my eyes off of that view. Not the snow of course. But as I turned my head to the window I had to let out a comment to that. "Looks like there's crack falling from the sky." I mumbled. "Seems like you're feeling better." she laughed. I took another sip of my tea before leaning back into her. What is this women doing with me?

I hope you like it and apologies for taking so long

ONE SHOTS Fem TeacherX Fem StudentМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя