A safe home

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Little tw- arguing Patents.

The rain was pouring on my face.
It was late... very late.
I was freezing and my clothes were soaking wet.
But the worst- I was alone.
All alone in the middle of the night walking through the city.
The cars made loud noises and my headphones were empty just like the bottle of alcohol in my hand.

I just fled from a uncomfortable situation at home.
Mom and dad are fighting again and I was the reason.
My legs stated to feel tired and I started freezing in the cold night air.
My eyes wandered around searching for somewhere to sit.
There was a bench very near the street so everyone could see me.. but I couldn't walk around any longer.

I sat myself down and placed the bottle next to me.
I watched the cars driving by imagining how warm and comfortable it must be in there.
People were just returning to a safe and loving home...
The bench was cold and wet but who cares?
Could the night get worse?
Of course it could.

"Y/n? Is that you?" I heard a soft and quiet voice next to me.
I turned my head just to look into my teachers confused eyes.
What the hell is she doing here?
I didn't answered and turned my head back to the street.
I hoped she would leave if I don't answer but my hope faded as I saw in the corner of my eye someone sitting next to me.

There was an awkward silence for some moments.
The rain was still heavy.
"What brought you here?" I finally asked?
"I was just driving home"
I thought so- a warm and save home.
"as I saw somebody sitting here. As I recognized you I needed to have a look if something is wrong. And I seemed to be right." Her eyes wandered off to my empty bottle of alcohol.
I knew she was looking at me again but I didn't dared to move my head.

Tears started streaming down my face.
My face was wet anyway so she couldn't possibly see it but the sobbing was loud enough for her to hear.
I suddenly felt an arm around my shoulder pulling me on for a hug.
I filched at her touch.
She pulled her arm back and placed it one more time but more carefully and slower around my back.

Without thinking of it any longer i leaned into the hug and started breaking down. I Just couldn't hold back any longer. It was to much to take.
I liked her for a long time but I started to ignore the feelings I had for her.
It felt wrong and Impossible. She ist an adult and my teacher what makes it illegal in two ways.

"How about I give you a ride home?" She whispered in my ear after some minutes of silence.
"I don't want to go home."
"But you can't stay here. It's cold and the middle of the night." She let out a sight.
There is another minute if silence.
"Text your mother."
"What?" I sat up straight.
"I want you to text her that you are ok and then you are coming home with me, ok?"
I was shocked but I liked the idea.
Without a word I took out my phone and text her

I'm not coming home tonight but I'm fine no worries. I'll stay with a friend.

A friend... felt wired to say that.
"So we are Friends now huh?"
"I can tell her that I stay with my teacher if you Like that better."
"I think friend ist fine."
We both giggled a little bit and got up.
"Just leave the bottle behind. We'll get you some water."
I couldn't fully see her face because of the dark but I knew she was smiling.

Do you guys want a part 2?

ONE SHOTS Fem TeacherX Fem StudentDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora