Certain Difficulties PART 2 (so long it had to be made into two!)

Começar do início

Dustin lay awake for hours. He didn't want to fall asleep, afraid Martha would wake up and hurt herself. He brushed his fingers through her hair, and never let go of her. He dozed off.
Waking up in the middle of the night, Dustin heard something moving in the room. It took him a moment to realize Martha wasn't next to him. "Martha?" he asked quietly. He got no response, except quiet breathing that wasn't his. It sounded like she was over by the closet. He got up, and turned on the light.
Martha was curled up in the corner with a fluffy blanket. "What's wrong, darling?" he asked softly, sitting next to her. "Nothing." she whispered. He wrapped his arm over her shoulders, and pulled her in closer. "Liar." he murmured. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Why wouldn't you let me die?" she asked him softly. "Because I'm your guardian angel, sweetheart. I won't let you die." he said, and kissed her forehead.
"Hey, you know what? Will you go to a concert with me tomorrow night?" he asked, changing the subject. Martha looked at him like he was crazy. "M- me?" she whispered. "Um, yeah, I just asked you." Dustin replied, a smile teasing the corners of his mouth. "I've already got a couple tickets. They're back row seats, so people won't look at you... And I think you'll enjoy it." he said.
"Sure. I'd love to." she said with a smile of her own. She nuzzled Dustin's neck and kissed him. He sighed softly, and she smiled. Martha slowly stood, and went to her bed. She lay down, and fell asleep. Dustin lay next to her, and fell asleep as well.
In the morning, Martha woke up to an empty bed. She looked at her alarm clock, and it was eight o'clock. "Oh no, oh no, oh no..." she muttered, jumping out of bed, and started getting dressed.
She didn't see anyone, though she heard something in the other room. It sounded like someone... humming? Dustin didn't seem like the musical type, though anyone could be into music, really. Martha could sing, and she didn't think she was good, though her friends had told her she was amazing.
She went out, and peeked into the living room. She saw Dustin looking out the window, sitting on the chair next to it, his back to her. She could see earbuds in his ears, and she smiled. She crept up behind him, and stood there, contemplating how to proceed.
Martha stepped forward, and he turned. "Hey." she said, standing with an arm behind her back, and the other hand brushing hair behind her ear. "Morning, sweetheart." Dustin said, standing up and putting his earbuds in his pocket.
"What're you listening to?" she asked. Dustin shrugged. "One of the songs that we're gonna be listening to tonight. I don't want to spoil it for you." he replied with a smile.
Martha smiled back, and turned to walk to the bathroom. "I don't want to break down today. Not like last night..." she whispered, looking for the bottle of depression pills. "Dustin, where's the bottle?" she shouted.
He appeared in the doorway. "I put them on the top shelf. Why?" he asked. Martha sighed. "I can't reach up there." she muttered, climbing on the counter. "Woah, woah, woah, darlin'. If you can't reach it, just ask me to get it for you." Dustin said, picking her up and setting her on the floor. He got the bottle down for her. Before handing it to her, he looked at her seriously. "Martha, you won't overdose, will you?" he asked softly.
"N- no. I want to go with you tonight." she said. Tears sprang into her eyes. "Why would you think that?" she whispered.
"Darling, you were an inch from jumping off the building last night. I want to make sure you won't try and commit s- suicide." he said, voice cracking. Martha blinked in surprise. "But... I won't. Because I have something to live for." she said. "And what would that be, Martha. What do you want to live for?" he asked incredulously.
"Not what. Who. I want to live for you. I want to be with you. I can't do that if I'm dead, now can I?" she asked softly, with a smile. She kissed his cheek, and took the bottle.
Popping two in her mouth, Martha screwed the cap back on, and put it on the counter. "I'm keeping them on the counter from now on, okay?" she asked.

Dustin had to blink a few times before he understood what she had said. "Yeah. The... bottle stays on the counter." he repeated. Martha nodded, and walked out. He stayed behind, and stared after her. Then blinked and walked out to the kitchen.
Martha was baking. She had the flour, sugar, eggs, and milk out. And some chocolate chips. She was singing to herself. If he was right, it was Angel with a Shotgun. He sang along, standing behind her, and looking over her shoulder. She whipped around, scared, and pressed herself into the edge of the counter. He took a step back, and started again. She finished the line, and gulped.
Dustin smiled, and brushed her hair out of her face. "Beautiful. The angels are jealous of your voice." he murmured. Martha blushed. "Well, you're good too." she said. "But not as good as you." he replied, and stepped away so she could keep baking.
Martha put the muffin tin in the oven, and cleaned up the flour on the counter. When she finished, Dustin pulled out his phone and played music so she could sing. When the music started, Martha tensed, and relaxed as she recognized the songs.
Putting the dirty dishes in the sink, she danced around the kitchen, singing along. She danced into the living room, eyes half closed, absorbed into the music. It seemed to carry her along, and she was the one controlling it. She danced with the grace of a ballerina, and moved like one, too.
Dustin put away the music when the song was over, and walked to Martha, who was now looking out the window. "You used to dance?" he asked softly. She took a deep breath. "Yes. I... was in a dance class when I was little. Like, when I was five. I did ballet, and tap. Why, could you tell?" she asked, turning red.
Dustin nodded. "It's nothing to be ashamed of, Martha. You're amazing. Now when are they done?" he asked, motioning to the oven. Martha looked at the time. "Five minutes. Why?" she wondered. He shrugged.
A few minutes later, the timer went off for the muffins, and Martha pulled them out before Dustin could get to the oven. "Chocolate chip?" he asked. She nodded. "When is the concert?" she asked. "Five o'clock. You excited, sweetheart?" he asked.

Work in Progress from my Google DriveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora