part 1

90 11 41

so um I don't really know how to start writing it but I want to so you guys need to get along with that thanks ☺️ and um yeah I'm just start writing random things about my self so 🙃 ( I don't know to write lmao )

so um yeah random stuff 🙃 I don't this thing would be bullshit and no one will read it but whatever 😒 I'm still gonna write it cause I'm bored 😌

so um for those who didn't know my real name is keren and I'm from israel and yeah I'm jews 😃 so don't say to me happy Halloween or things like that cause I'm not celebrating those things 🙃

I'm an msa simp 😎😍

my top 5 animes are :
1. blue lock 💙
2. bsd ( bongo stray dogs)
3. kny / ds ( kimetsu no yaiba/demon slayer)
4. diablok lovers 😍
5. naruto
6. haikyuu

I'm a chuuya , kenma , muichiro , deidara and bachira simp 🥰

I read all kotlc and it's amazing all of you guys should go and read it right now and I'm not asking go read it !!!!!!

I'm playing volleyball on my free time😄

I'm an emo senter girl with depression😎so if you'll met me somehow someday I'll probably only gonna wear black 🙃

sasusaku simp since litterlie half of my room is just them 🙃

I have a really bad anxiety and I'm overthinking everything someone has ever said to me no meter what they had said 🙃

" I'm not the type of person someone will fall in love with "

get heartbroken to many times to count

some random nicknames ( you can make your own nicknames to me if you want and I'll add it ) : neko shorty , sunny , emo girl and books lover

that's all I guess for this part , there would be another part tomorrow I guess but no promises love y'all have a good day / night 💘

you guys need to know me better! Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora