12 • the sun also rises

Start from the beginning

The witch sighs as if it was obvious, "I cast a spell to slow down your transition. Your insides are trying to tear yourself free."

She flicks her wrist and a third ring of fire encircles Jules.

"Witches are suppose to maintain the balance in nature. It's your duty to them to keep this curse sealed." Elena tries to convince her.

"I am an abomination, just like him! Witch's loath me. Why is it do you think I gave Jenna your blood and not mine if I was simply just a witch?"

Elena's face is covered in confusion. "If you're not a witch, what the hell are you?"

"Shh. That's enough for now," Klaus makes his way out from the shadows, "Hello my lovelies, are we ready?"

Jules, Elena, and Jenna are still contained in the rings of fire. Jules continues to moan in pain. Up on a nearby hill, Klaus retrieves the moonstone from his pocket.

"I've got the moonstone. I spent 500 years looking for this. I hate to part with it." Klaus hands the moonstone to his witch who looks up at the sky.

"The moon is past its apex," She looks back down at him, "Do you remember what you need to do?"

He nods. The witch drops the moonstone into a stone bowl filled with flames. Sparks fly as the moonstone is destroyed. She begins chanting a spell in Latin. Klaus approaches the rings of fire. Jules still lies on the ground, moaning in pain, but looks up at Elena.

"Everything I did... I was just trying to help Tyler." Jules tells the doppelgänger.

"Are you Jules?" Elena asks.

She nods, "I don't want him to be alone!"

Klaus looks down at the werewolf, "Shall we?"

The ring of fire around Jules disperses. Jules' eyes turn yellow as she uses her werewolf speed to rush to Klaus. Alas, Klaus gets the upper hand and pins Jules to the ground, plunging his hand into her chest and ripping her heart out. Jules takes her final breaths with tears streaming down her face, and dies. Klaus breaths heavily as he holds her bloody heart in his hand. Elena and Jenna look up, horrified.

The witch continues chanting while Klaus holds Jules' heart over the ceremonial bowl, squeezing the blood into the flames.

"Does that mean it's working?" Klaus inquires.

The witch nods, "It's working."

Over in the rings of fire, Elena watches Klaus in the distance. Jenna looks up at her, eyes glistening with tears.

The witch watches the aunt and niece, giving them the curtesy of not eavesdropping on their conversation.

"How sweet. Reminds me of Katerina and I." The witch gives Klaus a solemn smile, continuing with the spell.

Klaus approaches the ring of fire containing Jenna. He greets her. Jenna and Elena get up and look at the soon to be hybrid.

"Let her go. I understand I have to die, but she doesn't!" Elena yells as she walks closer to the flames, causing them to flare up. She retreats.

Klaus chuckles, "Careful."

"Elena, don't." Her aunt tells her.

Elena shakes her head, "No, Jenna! We can't leave Jeremy without a family. I followed your rules; I did everything you asked. I didn't run. Please."

"Well, well," Klaus looks to the top of the quarry, "I don't recall you being on the invite list."

Jenna and Elena look up as well. Elena gasps. Stefan stands atop of the cliff.

𝐒𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂; S.S.Where stories live. Discover now