yo thanks for reading everyone

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At five years old, Peko Pekoyama stood at a whopping four feet tall. She towered over all the other children her age, specifically her best friend Kuzuryuu. He was rather short for someone of their age group, and Peko was an entire foot larger. And he hated it so much. 

It wasn't just her height Kuzuryuu was jealous of. He was jealous of her martial arts skills, her calm demeanor, and even the attention she got from adults. They were always saying, "What a pretty little girl!",  but they never commented on a single thing about him. On these occasions, Peko could see him pouting. She hated the attention and wished he could have it instead. He clearly wanted it. Even back then, at such a young age, she wanted to remain unnoticed in Kuzuryuu's shadow. 

He may have envied her, but he also respected her as much as one toddler could respect another. She was kind, and strong, and he believed she was the best friend someone could ever have. But she placed him above herself. When they played samurais in the Fuyuhiko family gardens, she always let him win their duels, even though she had swordsmanship training and he did not. She insisted on choosing last during snacktime, even when she ended up with food she didn't like. 

One summer afternoon, after a long game of tag in the hot sun, the two headed into the Fuyuhiko mansion for some juice boxes. Kuzuryuu's parents, who were rather comfortable in their lawn chairs, decided that they trusted Peko enough to care for the both of them. She was mature, after all. Once the two children arrived at the fridge, Kuzuryuu tried so very hard to reach the juice. He stood up on his tiptoes and stretched out his tiny arms, but he was still just out of reach, no matter how hard he tried to stretch. He soon grew frustrated and let out a loud groan of defeat before plopping down to the floor. Pouting, he watched as Peko grabbed them without much effort. She bent over and handed him a carton, which he took with a mumbled, "Thanks." 

He chugged the juice down aggressively as Peko watched him, wishing there was a way she could help him be taller. ...Wait, there was! "Master Kuzuryuu, do you wish to be taller?" she asked.

Normally, he would complain about his playmate's use of honorifics, but he let it go just this once. "Y-Yeah? So what?" He wasn't very angry at all, but his father told him he had to defend his honor as a yakuza against everyone and anyone, so he snapped at her.

"I know of a manner in which you can grow, Master Kuzuryuu..." She spoke slowly, and chose her words carefully, so as to not anger him further. Peko thought that Kuzuryuu was absolutely furious.

His sparse, blonde eyebrows perked up at this. "You do, Peko?"

She nodded. "We need to request a pair of heels from Mistress Fuyuhiko, however..."

"How about I just take a pair? Mom won't ever notice! She has like, what, a hundred?" Kuzuryuu had run off towards his parents's bedroom before Peko could protest. He returned with a pair of hot pink stilettos, which he proudly held up for Peko to see. "Aren't these perfect?"

Peko wasn't impressed; Instead, the little girl bit her lip in worry. But Kuzuryuu had already begun to slide the shoes onto his feet and wasn't looking at her. He tried to stand, but nearly toppled over. Kuzuryuu leaned against the counter, gripping onto the marble and fuming in frustration. 

"Let me assist you, Master Kuzuryuu." She spoke in an exceptionally gentle manner so as to not harm his fragile ego, but her attempt to soften the blow failed.

Kuzuryuu's gritted his teeth and averted his eyes. He was obviously embarrassed and offended. "I can do it myself, you poo poo head!"

Peko gasped. "Master, you should refrain from such vulgar language!" she scolded. Her tone was nowhere near as harsh as Mistress Fuyuhiko's was when the latter reprimanded him for the same offenses.

"S-So what, you fudgesicle?" Kuzuryuu stumbled on his words.

"Alright, Young Master. I do apologize profusely for my intrusion." Peko stared at her feet in shame.

"Oh shut up, you fruitcake!" This might have sounded rude, but Peko knew this to mean that all was forgiven. A tiny smile crossed her face as she watched Kuzuryuu let go of the counter and try to stand again.

Only to fall and hit his head against the corner of the counter on the way down. The smile on her lips disappeared as quickly as it came, and Peko rushed over to him. 

"Master Fuyuhiko?" she asked, clearly concerned. 

"I'm okay, damn it", he said, wincing. He sat up, and Peko noticed some blood appearing in his blonde hair. 

"You're hurt!" said Peko, pointing to the wound.

"I'll be fine." He sounded stubbornly determined. Kuzuryuu stood, only to fall onto Peko.  Both tumbled to the ground.

"Take those shoes off please", she begged. He begrudgingly kicked them across the room before rolling over and off of her. She suddenly realized that Kuzuryuu had been lying on her, and she blushed slightly.

"I'll be fine, I promise", he repeated, sounding not quite as sure this time.

"Shall I get your mother?" Peko asked, beginning to stand up.

"No!" he shouted. "I-I mean, please don't..."

She sat back down, scooting closer to him. "Do you want the juice boxes?"

Kuzuryuu nodded, and Peko stood up to retrieve them. She handed him one, watching as he pouted. "Why can't I be tall?" he demanded as he angrily poked his straw into the plastic.

"You will be tall someday!" she soothed. Peko crouched down and ran a finger through his hair, wincing at the amount of blood that was on her skin once she moved the finger away. "I'm getting a bandaid." She was off to the bathroom before he could complain. When she returned, she had a bandage, a tube of antibiotic ointment, and a wet washcloth. Peko knelt beside him and began to clean the blood off of his skin, while he grumbled.

"Why do you have to do this?" He pouted.

She shushed him before putting the bandaid onto the cut. "Does it hurt?" she asked.

"M-Maybe." Kuzuryuu huffed.

"Do you want me to kiss it better? I've heard that works..."

His face turned bright red. "M-Maybe."

Peko kissed him on the forehead, gently. Both of them were rather embarrassed, and just sat next to each other to sip juice boxes in silence for the next few minutes. After a while, Kuzuryuu murmured, "Thanks", ever so quietly.

She nodded. "Anything for you, Young Master."

When Kuzuryuu's parents became curious as to why the two children hadn't returned outside, they headed indoors, only to find the two cuddled together on the kitchen floor fast asleep, juice boxes clasped in hand..

Heels: A Kuzupeko FanficWhere stories live. Discover now