𝐈𝐈. 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐥

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"Morning brother" Melelle smiled slightly as she walked towards her brother "Rickon"

"You left the feast early Mel" He looked up at her "Where did you go"

"To my chambers and you. You went off with some lady, no?"

He smirks as he turns away from her.

"Brother tell me you did not ruin some lady" She whispers as his smirk fades.

"God no, but it seems she's taken a liken to me"

"May i ask who"

"Gillian Glover she is a lady of the north"

"You mean to be the lady of the north" She playfully jokes as he turns back around "I was joking brother"

"Marry who you wish. You are lord of winterfell you need a son anyways"

"Indeed I do. Our brother is no way fit to take over if I were to die"

She nodded slightly she knew how her other brother was. And in truth she was not close with him as she was with Rickon.

"When do we return to the north"

"Weeks end" He states "The king has asked for me to go to a council meeting on the morrow"

"My brother on a council"

"Viserys wants me there, we are old friends and We need to keep the alliance strong"

"And how do you intend on doing that"

He sighs, not saying anything.

"Fine don't tell me, but what am I supposed to do alone tomorrow"

"Meet common ground with some lady's of the court"

"As you wish. But as soon as the meeting ends tomorrow I want you to come to me"

"Mel I shall not be telling you anything we discuss there"

"I know that"

"Come on let's get something to eat"


Rickon entered the council chambers the next morning as he was greeted by Viserys.

"Come sit" Viserys smiles as Rickon takes a seat. He was early and it was only him, Viserys and Otto Hightower in the room.

"Are there more lords to come" Otto spoke, asking his king as Viserys shakes his head.

"This is no council meeting, but we do need to wait for Daemon"

Otto held back a scoff as he looked at the lord of Winterfell and then to the doors as Daemon strolled in.

"Brother" Daemon muttered standing at the end of the table. Not taking a seat "It seems I'm the last to arrive. What is this about"

"Your betrothal brother" Viserys announces. The night of the feast Rickon hadn't gone off with some lady. But instead he went to Viserys and the two had discussed what their fathers once discussed many years before in the lands of his and Melelles home.

"And who is this lucky girl then brother"

"You can choose to either wed Rhea Royce or"

"Our lord stark's sister" He smirked turning to Rickon finally figuring out why he was there.

"I have chosen two suitable matches brother, choose or i'll Choose or you"

"You really want your first thing as king to wed me off brother"



Melelle had and was enjoying every minute in king's landing, the capital was so different to winterfell. And it was less cold, here she could wear dresses that she wouldn't in winterfell.

And there was a lot more to do in the capital, although she knew there was no chance her brother would allow her out the castle walls or near the town.

Melelle wasn't allowed to do much without her brother knowing where she was and if she was safe. She didn't even think he'd allow her to wed anyone anytime soon. She was of age, yes, but her brother had never once spoken to her about marrying her off.

Most ladys her age would have already welcomed their first child. To be fair the idea of marriage didn't scare her but she didn't want to marry anyone either. Yes king's landing was nice, but the north was her home and shed refuse to leave it for some fat old lord.

The stark girl walked through the halls of the castle in her own thoughts as she heard her voice being called. Forcing herself to stop walking and finally pay attention to those around her.

But to her surprise it was not one of her ladies nor her brother who addressed her. It was the prince she had been friends with as children and the prince she nearly danced with two nights before.

"Prince Daemon" She greeted him as he looked her up and down.

"Not with your dear brother lady stark" Daemon asks approaching her.

"He should be coming from some meeting soon" She states.

"Yes yes I saw him there"


"Did your dear brother tell you why he was in a meeting with my brother"

"No has it is private matters between him and his grace" She admits "Prince Daemon unless there is something you wish to say I think I should go"

"You haven't changed since we were children"

"No I haven't but you have"

"I assure you I have not"

"So you've always been the rogue prince have you" She asked softly as she stopped a few feet away from her "Prince Daemon"

"I think we shall be seeing more of one another my lady" He mutters "As you brother has offered your hand of marriage"

Her eyes widened as her mouth parts, she wants to say something but cannot find any words.

He smirks as she finally speaks "We are to be wed"

"Indeed my betrothed"


"My king, are you sure it was a good idea for your brother to choose lady stark" Otto spoke as Viserys sat down.

"I could not just force him to wed Lady Rhea. I gave him a choose between her and the lord winterfells sister. And he chooses without any complication" Viserys reminds him "House Targaryen has had a strong alliance with the Starks since Daemon and I were children. Melelle and Daemon got along when they were younger so the wedding shall happen"

An - Hope you all enjoyed the chapter

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐑𝐚𝐬𝐞//𝐃𝐚𝐞𝐊𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧Opowieści tętniące ÅŒyciem. Odkryj je teraz