"What the heck come on!" Soonyoung snapped, running a hand through his sweaty hair. His angry gaze was fixated on Wonwoo and JJ. "It's not that hard to just get it right!"

"It was a mistake for god's sake Soonyoung," Wonwoo retorted. Unconsciously, the group had slowly formed two sides. Wonwoo, JJ, Chan, Mingyu, Jeonghan, Jihoon and Vernon were at one side, leaving Soonyoung, Jun, Minghao, Bo-ri, Seungcheol, Joshua and Seungkwan at the other. Seokmin had taken this opening as a chance to go get water and have a break, so he stood silently at the side sipping away at his bottle. He hated when his friends fought.

"It could've easily been avoided, had you just put in even an ounce of effort in to the dance!" Soonyoung spat back. "It's almost like you want us to fail!"

Wonwoo scoffed, side eying the boy in front of him. Chan stomped up to Soonyoung, getting all in his face.

"Who are you to speak about effort?" He growled, offended on behalf of his friend. "Don't pretend like you didn't fail the first exams because you were too busy trying to get Youngpil's car on the roof like an idiot with Seungkwan! You're childish and you know it! Stop trying to act all high and mighty now!"

Seungkwan was now standing next to Soonyoung after Chan's comment, a sour expression on his face.

"You got a problem Chan?" Seungkwan accused angrily. "Because it's starting to sound a lot like you have a problem."

"Let's try to calm ourselves down," Jeonghan placed himself as barrier between the boys, using his authoritative voice to get them to listen. Like Seokmin, he too disliked conflict amongst his friends.

"Yah Jeonghan, stop trying to play peacekeeper," Joshua hissed. "You caused problems today too. Actually, come to think of it, you're always involved when something goes wrong."

"Shua I –" Jeonghan's shock was cut off by Bo-ri.

"Joshua's right," Bo-ri nodded. "You could've really hurt him. I mean who doesn't look at where they are jumping to?"

Jeonghan suddenly felt cornered, retreating back to the side he was previously at. Joshua was his close friend, and hearing him say that struck a nerve. Sure, Jeonghan loved to tease and had his fair share of fun too, but he never thought of himself as being a problem. It's not like he barged into Joshua on purpose.

"Don't be a suck up Bo-ri," JJ said, adding more flames to the ever growing fire. "It's especially annoying when you do it. I guess you haven't changed much since elementary school after all."

The two girls sneered at each other before turning away.

"Just because you guys messed up doesn't mean-" Soonyoung's rant ended short.

"God, do you ever shut up?" Jihoon interrupted rudely.

"Yah Jihoon, he's older than you, show some respect!" Jun shouted. The two groups appeared to have moved closer to each other now, the aggressive atmosphere swallowing the room. Even Seokmin was sweating nervously in the corner, worried about what would happen next.

"Got to give respect to get respect, hyung," Vernon fired back mockingly. By now, everyone in the room was rage filled and seconds away from tearing each other apart. Seungcheol picked up on it and made a suggestion.

"Okay everyone," He commanded. "Ten minute break."

Both sides stalked off in different directions, Wonwoo's outside the dance room whilst Soonyoung's stayed with Seokmin.

"Gahhh they're so annoying!" Minghao, who had held his tongue earlier, lashed out and threw his hands up in frustration. Jun did his best to console him by rubbing his back, but Minghao shrugged him off and strode over to his water bottle. Seokmin quietly exited the room unnoticed, heading over to the empty vocal room where he could have some peace.

"Who does a Chan think he is, huh?" Soonyoung huffed from his place on the floor.

"That kid honestly," Seungkwan gritted through his teeth, before accepting the water bottles Joshua brought over for them. Jun came over too, dragging a moody Minghao by his wrist."And Jihoon and Vernon too. Disrespecting you guys like it was nothing."

"Jeonghan with his jokes too," Joshua added, taking a swig of his water and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "There was plenty of space on the other side of him to jump to, but no, he just had to jump into the place I was standing in."

"JJ is getting on my last nerve," Bo-ri had joined them on the floor as well, gripping her can of juice so tight that Jun almost thought it might explode. "I mean, suck up? I was just sticking up for my friends, is that not allowed? If anything, she is –"

"Let's not say things we will regret," Seungcheol towered over the group, giving them stern looks. "I understand we are all worked up with this performance, but we need to work to together to do it. Last I checked, it's a 15 person dance. Not 1 person. Not 2 people. Hell, not even 7 people will be enough. All of us need to be there."

"But they-" Soonyoung and Minghao had began before Seungcheol spoke again.

"I'm not asking you to forgive immediately. It's okay to be angry, harsh words were exchanged so it's only natural. Just don't let the anger control you. Don't hold on to it, and let it go when it's time. But until then, we must work as one team."

It's unknown whether Seungcheol's words got through to the group, but everyone appeared to be a little brighter than before. The group who left the room underwent a similar procedure.

"Soonyoung is lucky I left when I did," Chan seethed, hands balling into fists.

"Out of all things in the world, he dare question my effort?" Wonwoo grumbled, pacing up and down the hallway. "I try just as hard as everyone else. Sorry that I'm not some natural born prodigy like he thinks he is!"

"I didn't expect Shua to say such a thing to you Jeonghan hyung," Mingyu patted Jeonghan's shoulder affectionately.

"Neither did I," Jeonghan responded wryly. He leaned slightly into Mingyu's touch, craving the comfort that it offered.

"They were out of line," Vernon said. "We are all doing our best to get it right. They can't just target us like that."

"And they act as if they didn't make any mistakes," Jihoon scowled from the floor. "Soonyoung and Jun both got the third four counts wrong 5 times yesterday!"

A small circle had now formed on the floor beside Jihoon. They were all exhausted and angry, yet nervous about where this puts them.

"The performance is in 3 hours," JJ sighed. "There's no use in fighting right now."

"What, so we let them walk all over us and forgive them?" Chan sneered, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Heck no," JJ replied quickly. "I'm just saying, let's be civil until after the test. Getting emotional was bound to happen, so don't let it get to you."

The group gave a reluctant nod, barely agreeing with her. For the remainder of the ten minute break, the two sides stayed separated each wallowing in their rage for the other. Once the break was finished, they returned to the practice room with clenched jaws. No words were exchanged, just judging glances and the occasional "let's take it from the top" from Minghao or Jun. There was only one question gnawing away at their minds as they continued their practice in silence.

What's going to happen at the test?

 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 ˢᵛᵗWhere stories live. Discover now