CHAPTER 20 : Playing Problem Solver

Start from the beginning

I rushed to the window, watching as Batman sped away into the night, the boatmobiles stoic silhouette against the dark Gotham City backdrop.

My anger flared once more. 

He was leaving, just like that, without trying to fix the mess he had created. 

The sense of betrayal and frustration was overwhelming, and I couldn't stay one place any longer.

I stormed out of my room, slamming the door shut behind me, and made my way through the tunnel like corridors, fueled by anger and determination.

I had to find Lauren, to make things right, to prove to her that I was still the best friend she had always known, even if I had been keeping a huge secret.

As I ventured into the cold night of the house, I hoped that I could find her and make amends for the hurt I had caused.


laurens pov 

I had wandered into Wayne Manor's vast, meticulously manicured garden, seeking solace in the midst of my overwhelming emotions. 

Tall trees reached towards the heavens, their branches extended casting eerie shadows across the  night lite landscape . 

The leaves whispered in the breeze, creating a haunting melody that seemed to echo my turbulent thoughts.

The flower beds sprawled along the garden added a riot of colors to the otherwise somber atmosphere. 

at this time it  was a garden of contrasts, mirroring the jumble of feelings inside me.

A stone pathway meandered through the garden, leading to hidden corners and secluded alcoves that beckoned me to explore. 

It was in one of these hidden corners that I had sought refuge.

As I sat on a stone bench, my tears flowed freely, my heart heavy with betrayal.

 I felt like an outsider in a world that had suddenly been revealed to me, a world I had never imagined.

 I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of anger towards Jason and Bruce for keeping the truth from me.

And then, through the tears in my eyes, I saw Alfred approaching, his presence both comforting and unexpected.

"Miss Lauren," he began gently, "I can see the turmoil in your heart, and I understand your feelings of anger and betrayal. But please, allow me to explain why Jason and Mr. Wayne made the choices they did." His voice, filled with sympathy and understanding.

I turned my tear-streaked face towards Alfred, ready to lash out, but his eyes were kind and filled with a depth of understanding that caught me off guard.

"They did it out of love and concern for your safety," he continued. "Their lives are filled with danger and secrets, and they didn't want you to be exposed to the risks they face. They wanted to protect you from harm."

I clenched my fists, my anger still simmering, but Alfred's words began to chip away at my resentment. 

The thought of Jason and Bruce caring about my well-being, even if it meant deceiving me, was a bitter pill to swallow.

Alfred took a step closer, his voice soft and soothing. "They've faced unimaginable challenges and fought countless battles to keep this city safe. They didn't want you to carry the burden of their world. They wanted to shield you from the darkness."

I wiped away my tears, trying to make sense of the conflicting emotions swirling within me.

 It was a lot to take in, and I couldn't deny the sincerity in Alfred's words.

"They should have trusted me," I mumbled, my anger subsiding as I spoke.

 "You're absolutely right, Miss Lauren .... They should have trusted you .... and they should have been honest with you ..... But sometimes people make choices they believe are for the greater good, even if it hurts those they care about." Alfred  says as he nods, his eyes filled with sympathy.

"I just wish they had talked to me, explained things. I wish I didn't have to find out this way." I sigh feeling a mix of anger and understanding.

 "I believe they will explain things to you, and I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive them. They care deeply about you, Miss Lauren, and they never wanted to hurt you." Alfred says  giving me a comforting smile.

The anger in my heart was slowly giving way to sympathy and understanding. Alfred's words had a way of calming my turbulent emotions. I nodded, acknowledging his wisdom.

"I'll hear them out ..... I need to talk to them and understand why they made this choice." I said, my voice steadier now.

Alfred's smile grew warmer, and he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "That's a wise decision, Miss Lauren. I'm sure they'll be relieved to have the opportunity to explain everything to you." his voice bubbling with positivity as he gives me one of his half smiles I have noticed he does.

As Alfred chuckled and shared a knowing glance with himself, I couldn't help but smile in return. His ability to bring a sense of ease and warmth into any situation was truly remarkable.

"Where is Jason?" I asked quietly, my voice tinged with shyness. The thought of facing him again, with the truth between us, made my heart race.

Alfred gave me another reassuring smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, knowing Master Todd, he is probably looking for you."

With that, Alfred patted my shoulder gently and began to make his way back towards the manor, leaving me alone in the serene garden. I took a deep breath and decided to wait, my emotions still swirling as I mentally prepared myself for the inevitable conversation with Jason.

As Alfred mentioned that Jason was likely looking for me, I felt a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. 

I knew that we needed to talk, to clear the air, but the emotions swirling inside me were still tangled and complicated. Guilt had started to creep in, making me second-guess my anger.

I made my way back through the garden, my heart pounding in my chest as I ventured into the unknown territory of reconciliation

It didn't take long to spot Jason among the garden's twisted paths. 

He stood beneath a towering oak tree, his hands stuffed into his pockets, his shoulders tense. 

The guilt in his eyes was mirrored in mine as we locked gazes, both of us carrying the weight of our unspoken frustrations.

I took a deep breath and approached him. "Jason," I began, my voice filled with uncertainty, "we need to talk."

He nodded, his gaze dropping to the ground. "Yeah, we do."


Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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