c h a p t e r t h r e e

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Chapter Three - LA


He answers after one ring, "Hello?" His voice is groggy as if I'd just woken him up but I don't care, I don't want to be here.

I can't be here, in this house after what just happened.

I'm breathing deep, trying to fight the sobs and tears to I can her a word out, even just one.

His voice is more alert now as he says, "Adrian?" There's panic and worry written in that one single word.

"Papi," It's the only thing I can say.

I gasp awake. That's all it takes. One tiny little memory of my dad being there when I needed him the most for all the regret and grief to come flooding into me like a total wave.

I skipped his funeral. How could I do that. I never got to say goodbye. I'll never see him again and I lost the last chance I ever had.

The onslaught of tears is quick to follow. Everything I tried so hard to keep below the surface since yesterday comes hurling out and I'm powerless to stop any of it.

All I can think about is how sorry I am for not being there to say goodbye and hope he's up there, happy with my mom and willing to forgive me for not being there.

A knock on my door breaks me out of the reverie. My head turns faster than a bullet to the sound and I'm quicker to wipe the tears still trailing down my cheeks.


It's Elijah.

God, the brothers dearest have a habit of showing up when all I want is to be left alone.

"It's Elijah."

No kidding.

"Are you awake?" Elijah asks through the closed door.

I don't answer. Maybe if he thinks I'm asleep, he'll leave me alone.

I fall back onto my bed, turning so my back is facing the door and pulling the comforter all the way up to my neck.

The door opens and my squirming to get comfortable comes to an abrupt halt. He doesn't stay for long, he doesn't even venture further into my room than the doorway.

The door closes again and I let myself deflate against the bed. I need...something. I don't know, anything that will stop this pain. It literally feels like my heart is ripping and I don't know what to do about it.

At some point, I won't be able to pretend I'm asleep. Knowing as much as I do, Violet will probably be at my door to bring breakfast or maybe yesterday was just a fluke and one of the brothers will be there to put a stop to my self-imposed isolation.

Or maybe everyone will just leave me alone, but that's wishful thinking.

I sigh and turn to grab my phone out off the nightstand. I won't be able to go back to sleep now, not with those memories lurking around in my subconscious ready to pop out in the form of dreams, and I'm sure I don't want to leave my room just yet.

09 : 03 stares at me. Elijah was at my door at nine in the morning for what reason. It's too early to be interrupting anyone's sleep on Saturday morning, regardless if I was asleep or not.


An hour. It takes an hour before Violet comes to my room to wake me up. But hey, she switched it up because I thought she would be there to bring breakfast. Instead she was there to tell me I was being summoned to Darius' office. At ten in the morning. Ten. It's unbelievable but who am I to protest, especially to my new guardian.

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