Chapter Five | What Happened after the Wedding?

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He found the title and nearly retched at his own carelessness. Of course the press had been there.

Woes and Wooing at Weasley Wedding
By: Parvati Patil

Last evening, famed Golden Trio member and Chudley Cannon keeper, Ronald Weasley, married fashion designer, Pansy Parkinson, in a lovely and intimate ceremony at the former's family home.

Such a wedding stood to be the event of the season, with the guest list ranging from Quidditch stars; to the Minister of Magic; to the Chosen One himself, Harry Potter; to this author. Indeed, the Weasley-Parkinson nuptials proved to be a who's who of Post-War Wizarding Society, to be sure, and under the drifting snow and tastefully decorated backyard tent, the bride and groom glowed with happiness, at least for the majority of the night.

Even the final member of the famed war-winning trio, Auror and creature-rights advocate, Hermione Granger, was in attendance, despite rumors, reported just last week by this author, that she had been disinvited by the bride.

In retrospect, Mrs. Weasley née Parkinson could hardly be blamed if she had made such a decision, in this author's opinion, knowing what happened last night as well as the history between Miss Granger and the groom, but Miss Granger's invitation was not rescinded, however, as previously reported. The Brightest Witch of Our Age arrived just on time wearing a slinky red muggle-style dress—a rather gauche choice for a winter wedding, but certainly eye-catching.

Dear readers, I'm sure you, like myself, are wondering whose eyes Miss Granger was hoping to catch in choosing such a garment. Could it be those of the groom? It could be so, but this author had it on good authority that the Golden Girl had her sights set on none other than Witch Weekly's Most Eligible Bachelor of 2004—Draco Malfoy—who was also in attendance last evening.

Imagine the shock of the other guests and myself when Miss Granger sat for dinner beside the heir to the Malfoy fortune and Death Eater-turned-Auror, looking rather cozy. So cozy, in fact, that they didn't leave each other's side for the rest of the evening, and when the couple left late into the night, they did so hand-in-hand (picture on page 11).

Now, I know what you are thinking, dear readers—Mr. Malfoy and Miss Granger are quite famously partners for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, having made several high-profile arrests in the last few months alone. They might have left for a night cap, two coworkers going for a drink and nothing more.

This author would have thought so, too, had the groom not tried to follow.

In fact, Mr. Weasley had to be held back by one of the groomsmen and the bride while he tried to chase after the pair of Aurors (pictured on page 11). While it's no secret that Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy were rivals in school, the action begs a number of questions.

Why might Mr. Weasley react in such a way? At his own wedding, nonetheless? Could the groom still be in love with his ex? Or does he simply disapprove of Mr. Malfoy and Miss Granger's budding courtship?

It's certainly a lot to consider. The new Mr. and Mrs. Weasley declined to comment on the matter, but this author has her suspicions.

One thing is for certain, this author never would have thought the Golden Girl capable of such shamelessness—to attend her ex's wedding and leave with his known school rival. Perhaps it would have been best for the bride to rescind Miss Granger's invitation, after all?

(Story continues on page 11).

Draco snorted. "Well, that was a load of bollocks. Weasley and I were never rivals. Potter, yeah, but Weasley? Come the fuck on!"

He felt his mouth snap shut at his mother's hex before he even saw her raise her wand.

"I warned you about the cursing, Draco. It's abominable."

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