Chapter 8: Minerva

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"So funny, Mr. Dumbledore."

He smiled. Then, we got up and left the Common Room to go to the Great Hall for breakfast.

Malcolm and Robert joined us 10 minutes later with Aberforth.

"Abe, mom said that Malcolm and Robert, as well as Minerva, could come home for Christmas," Albus said.

"Really?! Cool! Guys, you're coming at our place during the holidays! Plus, Ari will be able to make some friends!"


Thursday the 20th arrived quickly. We took the train in the morning to get to London. I shared a compartment with Albus, Aberforth, Robert and Malcolm. I was the only girl there. Albus had his arm wrapped around my shoulders and my head was resting on his shoulder while the youngest boys talked and laughed together.

We arrived in the evening. We were all wearing Muggle clothes. I was wearing a dress and the boys were wearing a shirt and pants with belts.

We got out of the train, my hand in Albus's. We went through the barrier and then the two Dumbledores took us to a corner where a woman in her late-forties was waiting with a young girl who seemed to be around Malcolm's age.

"Mom!" said Aberforth, hugging the older woman.

"Hello, boys," she said, hugging her sons.

"Hey mom," said Albus "Uhm- let me introduce you to Minerva, my girlfriend, and her brothers, Robert and Malcolm."

"Nice to meet you," she said with a smile, shaking our hands. "I'm Kendra. And that's Ariana." The little girl waved shyly to us, a shy smile on her lips.

Aberforth and Albus hugged her one after the other. Then, Kendra took us to her car.

"Have you already been in a car?" she asked us. We nodded.

"Our father's a Muggle," said Robert.

"Really? That's great!"

We got inside and Albus and I sat on the passenger seat. Kendra must have put a spell on the car so that it was bigger inside.

"So, Minerva, how old are you?" Kendra asked me.

"I'm sixteen."

"Great. And you, Robert?"

"I'm thirteen."

"And you, Malcolm?"

"I'm eleven."

We had about a three hour drive. Only one hour had passed when Albus asked me to turn around so that my back was facing him. He was sitting in the middle, between Kendra and I. I did as he said and felt my hair fall off and instantly knew what he was doing, but didn't move away. Once he was done, he said "I'm keeping everything. I'll give them back to you once school starts over. All you're allowed to have is this." He handed me my elastic band.

"How kind," I said before turning around once again to face the road.

He leaned in and whispered in my ear "I prefer you that way."

I smiled. "I'll remember, then."

Half an hour later, they were all sleeping, even Albus, who's head was now lying on my shoulder.

Kendra chuckled. "Cars are magic for what they do to us: make us fall asleep very fast."

"I agree," I said.

"So- you're a Fifth Year, right?"


"O.W.L.s," she said.

A Wonderful Story - A Minalbus/MMAD storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz