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"Wake up sunshine"

"Shut the fuck up Caitlin" Aurelia snapped. Drawing her covers closer, blinding herself from the shining light her bestfriend let into the room.

Sam, Steph, Alannah and Macca sat on Sam's best, fully dressed in causal clothes. Giggling as they watched Caitlin jump onto Aurelia's bed.

Aurelia wrapped her fingers around her pillow, throwing the cushion at Caitlin. It made a thumping sound as it hit Caitlin's face. "Get a life Caitlin. Stop ruining mine."

"You're such a grump" Caitlin rolled her eyes "the fact that everyone things your this ray of sunshine, who's so innocent is such bullshit." The older girl grabbed a pillow of Sam's bed "wake the fuck up."

"I could not imagine living with them, if this is a morning with the pair" Alannah shook her head with a chuckle.

Steph sighed "it's a struggle. Just wait until you hear about the fights at breakfast. "You ate all the fucking pancake mix you stupid bitch"" Steph mimicked Caitlin's voice. "I fucking brought it you fucking dickhead. Stop eating all my food"" she mocked Aurelia.

"I don't sound like that" Caitlin and Aurelia shot up.

Steph raised her eyebrows "yeah. You do."

Caitlin and Aurelia looked at one another, partly offended. Caitlin shook her head "there's now way we sound like that."

Aurelia nodded her head "Stephs just thinks cause she's older, she's better than everyone else. She needs to be humbled quickly"

The two bestfriends snuck a sneaky look at one another. Both grabbing a pillow, in a swift motion, they began to hit their captain with pillows over an over again. Evily laughing as Steph fell back onto the bed and Alannah, Macca and Sam jumped up from the bed. Grabbing more pillows.

"What — the — fuck" Steph yelled.

Suddenly, there were five pillows hitting her. Steph slumped her shoulders. Accepting her fate.


Before the team was going to training, Macca had made the proposal of a Macca's breakfast run. In which no a single Matilda could turn down, and the six girls had gone down to the nearest McDonalds.

Aurelia poured the maple syrup over the hotcakes she had gotten, passing the leftover sauce to Caitlin, who had gotten the exact same thing.

"I'm gonna miss these Macca's runs when we go back home" Alannah shakes her head with a sad sigh

Steph nods her head "Cait, Rory and I will have one every morning and we'll FaceTime you all. That is.   .   . If we all sign back on?" She questions, looking at her two Aresenal teammates.

Caitlin nodded her head. "Arsenals my second home, and I haven't gotten a single good offer since Aresenal, so hell to the no."

All eyes fell onto the last Aresenal played, who had stayed awfully quiet. Caitlin's eyebrows furrowed "come on Rory?"

Aurelia shook her head "of course I'm signing on, but is it a good time to tell you, that it will only be for  a year?" She grimaced.

wonderland.        sam kerrDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora