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I am terrible at writing games.

Before the women's World Cup was set to begin, the teams would play three cup of nations rounds and one friendly against the French women. Quickly, the day of their first cup of nation game came around. The team stood in the locker room, yellow and green surrounding them.

Aurelia kept her AirPods in as she lifted her yellow jersey over her head. Letting it fall down her body, it showcased the big number 24 and Keene on the back. When she had first debuted for the Matildas, she was given the chance to chose between the jersey number 22, 24 and 2. She didn't hesitate to chose 24, it was her number back at arensal and it had been her lucky number for as long as she could remember. She was born on the 24th of November, she debuted on the 24th of July, she scored her first goal on the 24th of august and she scored her first hat-trick 24 games after she debuted for the Matildas. She always felt like the number was a safe place, a warm welcoming to make sure she was okay.

She dug into her bag, pulling out a water spray bottle and her hairbrush. She began to wet her curls before brushing it out. Tying it up in a middle ponytail with her middle part seperating the two sides of her head. She placed two yellow clips in her hair, her mother used to make them before she had passed. Aurelia had lots of clips for all kits she wore, whenever she ended up wearing a kit she didn't have the matching clips too. She would wear the normal kits clips instead.

Aurelia finished her hair off with a sigh. Listening to the end of tolerate it by Taylor Swift. She had always loved the soft hums of a sad Taylor song. Especially before a game, it helped dial her nerves down. Sometimes she felt like she was fifteen years old again, debuting for the first time. She still got the nervous chills when she was told she would be on the starting line.

Suddenly, she head was pushed side to side. Aurelia snapped out of her gaze that was on the empty wall of the Matildas change rooms, finding Sam starting back at her with a questioning look. "You fucking possessed or something?"

Aurelia smiled. Beginning to hum a haunting tune "Samantha."

Sam turned Caitlin "she's gone crazy. . . Again."

Caitlin shrugged simply "she's your problem now Sammy. I only babysit her until she's with you."

"Babysit?" Aurelia gasped "that it so rude Caitlin! You're supposed to be my bestfriend. Not a babysitter."

"Oh.  .   . Bestfriend. Right" Caitlin sighed "Yeah well that doesn't work when Sam doesn't pay me for dealing with your shit."

"I told you I would pay you tonight" Sam replied back, playing into the joke.

"I hate you both" Aurelia crossed her arms "you guys always ruin my good mood. What would you do if I started crying right here, right now?"

"Nothing" Caitlin says "Maybe bring you some toliet paper at most."

"I would run far, far away from Kyra" Sam says. She shuddered at the thought of what the newly twenty one year old could do to her if Aurelia was in away way, upset.

Aurelia scoffed "great to know where I stand between you two. Now I remember why I like Charli and Macca more than yous."

"Macca!" Sam yelled "Macca? Macca over me?" Her head whipped around to the goalkeeper "what the fuck have you ever done to deserve this treatment from sweet little Rory?

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