Act 1: Declaration of the DEAD

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"We can't stay here."

Saya: "I actually agree with the idiot for once."

Takashi: "You just met him today. This is literally the first time you agreed with him."

Saya: "Shut up!"

Saeko: "Are we going to leave or stand here arguing?"

"Let's pack up, everyone. And I'm not giving orders, I'm just stating the obvious."

Takashi: "Alright, those things seem to be attracted to noise, so let's be as quiet as possible."

Everyone gathers their things as you put a silencer on your pistol. The group left the room and made their way through the school, coming across a few survivors along the way.

As they reached the stairs, they see through the window and bear witness to the large amount of "Them". You pulled out two firecrackers and lit them up.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Saya whispered.

You threw the firecrackers at the opposite ends of the lot and the noise attracted "Them".

"Let's move fast."

The group and the others head for one of the buses but one survivor tripped and made a loud noise. "They" are attracted to the sound.

Takashi: "GO!"

The survivors ran as fast as they could to get on the bus.

Saya: "Great going, Dumbass! We were close, now you gave us out."

Love Among the Dead (Saya Takagi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now