"Pretty night isn't it?" Eren asked looking up at the stars, seeing the patterns of shapes in the stars. Mikasa looked up too, seeing a baby in a cradling position, and it made her look at Eren's smile, as she smiled too. She shyly, lay down beside him her hand close this his as she looked up at the stars with him. They were pointing out different star combinations, laughing and talking about all sorts of things. A few seconds went by and Mikasa randomly asked Eren an awkward question.

"You ever think you'd want a child Eren?"

"U-Uh... why'd you ask?"

"Just curious. We never got to live a full life with our parents, it'd be nice to be able to give our future children a future that doesn't involve Titans or cruel people." Eren looked back up at the sky, thinking of what'd be like to have a child of his own. He didn't think he'd be a good father, based on his temper issues. He turned on his side looking at her eyes, which locked with his, as he took a deep breath in.

"Y'know, when we've defeated all our enemies and got rid of the Titans... I wouldn't mind living like that." Eren smiled, Mikasa's eyes widening a little not expecting him to be so open about it. It went quiet again, before Mikasa sat up a little, at eye level with Eren as she was meters away from his face, placing her hand over his that lay in the grass.

"Eren... if I told you a secret, you wouldn't judge me would you?"

"No of course I wouldn't."

"It's just, that I've been feeling like I can barely talk to you anymore, without it being awkward. Because I've been feeling a type of way about you and I can't keep it in any longer. Eren... I love you." Mikasa confessed taking Eren's breath away, as she stared at him awkwardly in silence waiting for a response.

"W-wow... I never thought you felt that way about me. God, I feel so stupid!" Eren sighed putting both hands on his face, feeling so embarrassed for not noticing the obvious feelings Mikasa had for him. Mikasa could tell he felt bad, for all the times he'd been mean to her, but partly she was to blame for treating him like a child and not giving him the independence he needed. Soon a horse neighed with Levi and Hange galloping over to check on them.

"What're you doing out this far?" Levi asked Eren. He stumbled with his words but Mikasa clutched his hand and answered for him.

"We didn't realise, sorry."

"It's fine, just be more mindful about how far you're going next time. Make sure you're back before dawn." Hange said with a smirk on her face, nuzzling into Levi's shoulder, making both Eren and Mikasa look with a dumbfounded expression.

"Uh... are you two okay?"

"Why? You judging us?" Levi frowned.

"No, no, no, no!! Not at all!!"

"Levi honey quit it. Just let them be alone."

"Honey?" They both questioned, with Levi just riding away, dust kicking back in both the brunette's and raven's faces.

"Jeez... what was that all about?"

"Don't know, don't care, but Eren? You didn't answer my question... how do you feel about me?" She asked him sitting up now, Eren still lying down, seeing her look down at his face with a smile.

"W-well. I'm not very good, at saying stuff like that."

"Well don't say it... show me." She said, as he blushed intensely, seeing her with an intimate expression of love, that made Eren get butterflies in his stomach. He sat up seeing her edge closer to him, making him get nervous, as he felt himself shake. Mikasa took his hand, making his shakiness disappear, feeling a sense of calmness when in her presence. Eren then moved his hand up to her cheek, cupping softly making her exhale softly, feeling how careful his hand was being. He then leaned in closing his eyes as his lips pressed against hers, causing her to moan slightly, as she kissed him back.

Eren then pulled her waist closer, as she wrapped her arms around his neck deepening the kiss and getting more passionate with him. The two felt finally free, without any fear holding them back from fully being able to love each other the way they always wanted. They then broke apart, both their faces red and sweaty, holding each other close, as they smiled.

"We should probably get back now."

"Should we?" Mikasa asked him, thinking he just wanted to end it quickly because he was afraid to ask if they could carry on. She pulled him back in for a kiss, making Eren melt, as he kissed her back laying back down with her as they made love to each other in the beautiful fields. Later on that night, they were on their way back, when they bumped into Armin who waiting outside the cabin.

"Hey you two, just got done cleaning and I wanted to that I was..." Armin then stopped talking seeing Eren and Mikasa holding hands, the two blushing awkwardly at Armin.

"Don't tell anyone." They both asked in embarrassment, which Armin chuckled, swearing he wouldn't, as the two walked with their best friend back to their barracks. Eren was about to enter his bedroom, before Mikasa pulled on his sleeve, holding her scarf close above her mouth, hiding her blushing cheeks.

"Can I sleep with you tonight? I don't want to leave you." She mumbled, pressing her head into his chest, Eren lightly chuckled, hugging her.

"Of course." He said, letting her in as he shut the door and climbed into bed with her, cuddling up close, and pecking her on the forehead.

"I love you Eren."

"I... love you too." He said back, still finding it difficult to be this open with his feelings, but it did feel nice at the same time. Mikasa nuzzled into his neck as she fell asleep, Eren admired her cute face, brushing his thumb over the scar that he gave her.

"I will not lose you... I promise."

The end

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