24 Preparing & Confessing

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"Levi? What's all this?" Y/N rubbed her stomach anxiously, hoping the alpha wasn't inviting another omega into their home. A number of counter arguments ran through her mind.

Another omega's scent in their den this far into her pregnancy won't be good for either of them.

Another omega in their den this far into her pregnancy won't be good for either of them.

The alpha had promised her hamburgers & fries.

But above all of her reasoning, mostly she wanted Levi all to herself. The omega didn't want the alpha courting, kissing, even talking to anyone that wasn't her. She knows it's unreasonable and probably not her place to request such a thing, but for Levi she doesn't care.

Levi's eyes searched the room frantically, avoiding eye contact with Y/N at all cost. "Well it's uh..." The alpha's tongue suddenly seemed heavy. The smell of his anxiety seeping through and filling the room quickly. "It's for you and me to celebrate."

Y/N could feel her worries slowly fading away, a small smile resting on her lips as she turned to the lovely dinner. "What are we celebrating?"

The alpha hummed, suddenly seeming more confident as he rushed to pull the omega's chair out for her, gesturing for her to have a seat with a smile. "Two things."

"You're reaching six months- a wonderful moment that should be rejoiced." Y/N hummed, cheeks turning a crimson red as she stared at the alpha seated across from her. "And our friendship."

Y/N's omega whimpered at the alpha calling them 'friends.' Both  Y/N and her omega had hoped the alpha returned their feelings. "I see."

The alpha's smile stiffened, a nervous laugh filling the quiet space between the two of them. "You know, I was secretly hoping you felt something for me. Or felt the same way about me, as I feel about you." The alpha poured sparkling cider into their glasses, not trusting him to look into the omega's eyes.

"A-And how do you feel about me Levi?" The omega could feel her heart pounding in her stomach, her eyes warm to the touch. Her omega suddenly alert and wagging her tail hope seeping into their heart.

"I like you. Alot. And I don't want you to ever leave." The alpha paused, gathering his words. "Either of you actually, my alpha somehow thinks of your pup as ours... it's silly I know."


The alpha hums, eyes on the omega to give her his undivided attention.

"Thank you for everything." Y/N's eyes water slightly, a tear staining her cheek before she has the chance to blink them back. "Silly hormones, sorry I'm ruining our moment by being emotional."

Levi reaches a hand across the table, intertwining their fingers softly. His thumb rubs the back of the omega's hand softly, releasing calming pheromones to relax and soothe her. "Its not silly, and its okay to be emotional Y/N."

The omega nods, sniffing slightly. "Okay alpha."

Levi grins, kissing Y/N's knuckles softly. "Lets eat?"

(Y/N doesn't need to be asked twice, I mean she's eating for two after all.)

Find Your Nest {Social MediaAU} (Levi Ackerman x Pregnant Reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now