07 Picking The Next Omega

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After putting Jiyoon to bed Levi plopped next to Hange on the small sofa laughing at how she was still taking mouthfuls of pizza. "You seem to be busy eating, are you sure you can help me?" The alpha teased laughed when the omega glared at him with squinted eyes.

"Bring your laptop over here, I can help you and eat my food Levi, I'm not incompetent." Hange rolled her eyes reaching for another slice of pizza as Levi reached for his laptop.

The alpha pulled up the website, sighing at the amount of requests he had to go through. He hated having to turn down an omega in need, wishing he could help more than one at once, but that could be very complicated. Omegas became territorial in their pregnancy, and vulnerable. He could remember when Hange was the omega he was helping, her mood swings were out of this world. "157 applications..damn Levi they love you."

The alpha smiled at the omega. "I had a good review for my first time." They both laughed before turning their attention back to the computer screen.

"Jung Dahyun- he smells like cinnamon Levi. Next."

"Kim Aeri- absolutely not, the profile picture she chose is meant for seduction."

"Min Sooyeon. Hm she's pretty, seems nice. Save her."


"Absolutely not!"

"Over my dead body!"

Levi sighed, glancing at Hange. "Are you gonna say no to everyone?"

Hange grinned, pointing at the screen with a nod. "Y/F/N Y/L/N. That's the one. Accept her."

Levi groaned and lightly shoved the omega's hands away from the computer screen. "You're just saying that because she likes the same anime as you."

"And she's pretty, has a soft scent, won't invade your privacy, and likes the same things as you." Hange continued, shoving the alpha back as he sat up to reach for his soda. "Just think about it like this, I'm a female omega, I know best okay?"

Levi scoffed and fondly rolled his eyes. "You think so?"

"I know so. Besides if you don't like her after the first meeting you can always go back and pick someone else." Levi nodded in agreement. Hange was right, nothing was permanent until he officially met the omega in person.

Glancing over the omega's profile once more the alpha couldn't find a reason to say no. "She does have a soft scent, and he's not that far along which means more time to help him prepare." Hange hummed.

"Just click the button Levi." Hange groaned, annoyed with how much the alpha overthought and anticipated everything.

With a nod he pressed approved, watching the site redirected him to the omega's inbox. "Here goes nothing."

Find Your Nest {Social MediaAU} (Levi Ackerman x Pregnant Reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now