24. jealousy

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Finding zik office wasn't hard, like I said, I am very observant. His guard nod in greeting while they allowed us inside. Dami and zik was discussion and the halt the discussion when we got in.

I looked at dami and he was smiling.  Does this guy ever get angry?
His eyes was on nelly and I had to fulfill my promise.


He was shocked when I called, but he covered it up immediately when he called me my queen

I really didn't like that, but I let it slide

This is nelly my bestfriend and nelly, this is dami, and Zik.

Dami stood up and walked pass me to
Stand behind nelly, he told nelly to join him outside and she was too happy to follow him.


Watching nira stand before me, I recall how my blood boiled when I saw Nelson holding her so intimately
I tried ignoring it cos I know he is a very handsome gay guy. 😆 he actually made passes at me the first time we met, but that not withstanding, I was still jealous.  Watching him hold her again in the lodge, I think I have had enough, I went in there and asked him to see me outside

I saw the way he was smirking and I got angry, when we got aside, he got sp furious. I laughed, I love the fact he is not scared of me, well during my findings,  I realize nira had just two besties, nelly and Nelson.  He asked what I want and I told him my intentions towards nira.

You have to do a better job Zik, she is not just any girl,  I believe you know that

I ll do better,  and we discussed about his other businesses and I left him.

I got out from my deep thought when I felt a loud bang on my table

Nira was angry and I realised I spaced out


She rolled her eyes, what did you say to Nelson?

Why didn't you ask him, I smirk

Well, why ask him, when I can ask you?

I told him to stop touching what is mine

She huff, I'm not yours or anybody foe that matter

I stood up and walk close to her, sleaxh step I take, she move back, until I caged her at the bookshelf.  Any other movement, she will go through my secret room.

I got so close and damm she smell like heaven, her coconut oil from childhood is still her fragrance

I watch her breath go up and down and I realize I wasn't the only one feeling this way

Step back Zik, let's act civil

We are acting civil sunshine

She pushed back and I held her as we fall into my secret room


What the fuck, Zik

I held her so she won't fall as I break the fall and I was lying down while she lie on top.

She rushed up and I did the same, while holding her

Do you remember your 10th year birthday?

What nonsense are you saying asshole

I told you, happy birthday my sunshine

So you see queenbee,  you have always been mine

In your dreams. Zikora, we have a mission,l tomorrow,  can we just talk about it so I can go prepare?


After this, and I kissed her, I held her head and kissed her with all the passion I could get, she froze and I kept asking for entrance into her mouth, she got herself and kissed back and when I felt I have gotten to her, she bit me.

What the fuck woman?
She smirk, now Zikora, can we talk?

Fine, well, here is the document and we will discuss tomorrow by 10am at home.  The private charity gala will hold 12am on Sunday morning, so we will leave by 10pm. Study the document and tell me what you think. I have put down my suggestion,  I ll see yours tomorrow morning.

Ok, I ll take go look for nelly

Wait sunshine

I went close to her, kissed her lips and I was surprised she didn't fight me

You are mine sunshine and nobody should touch what is mine, gay or not

She rolled her eyes and walked out

Dammm, what the hell happened?

First, nobody knows this secret room aside dami,  and again why can't I hold myself around her?
I saw the shock when I recalled her 10th year birthday, I came to her celebration and from there, I left for the military,  I recall my gift to her and my first kiss was to wish her happy birthday and goodbye.  Although we always quarry, that day, she accepted all that i gave her, including the kiss.  I think that was why she didn't fight the kiss. He'll yes, she ficking bite me

Dami came in looking like a teenager

What's up man?

I'm in love Zik

Idiot, who is that unlucky girl?

Nira best friend

Seriously man, it wasn't up to 30 minutes

Guy, it was 1 hour, 30 minutes and talking of that, what did you and my queen discussed?

Nothing, just random stuff


I kissed her

What? And you are still breathing?

Well, I reminded her about something,  I believe it worked

Hmmm man, you have to be careful, seriously
Do not worry, I got this

And your green baby?
I think I have an idea who my mystery green baby is, I smiled

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