16. responsibilities

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   My 6 hours with Nelson and nelly was already After my parents died, uncle mike asked my dad's best friend Uncle Larry  to go into hiding since both are lords and if my dad is dead, Dew his elder cousin brother will come for him seeing that my dad and uncle Larry are like brothers. Uncle larry who just got married, went under the surface of the earth.  But situations not controlled by man but the universe brought him out. Uncle larry wife gave birth, and 2 years after, Larry junior became very sick and needs sophisticated medications which brought them out to the opening. Dew never lost the opportunity to kill his brother in order to take over his empire. Yours truly was 18 years ,and an adult also the hardest assassin. Uncle mike sent me to go bring uncle larry's wife and son, but I was few minutes late as Dew men had already gotten to the wife. She was wise to hide larry junior in a book shelf and she told me in her pool of blood to be his adopted mother and guardian with instructions to never lie to him as he is a very gifted boy. Dew did not know about junior larry, and I have kept it that way for over 4 years since larry junior's parents passed. I have hidden him, taught him all he knows and be a mother.  Only my two besties and uncle mike that knows about him. I kept him with mama k younger sister in one of my mansions. Yeah, I'm super rich. Nobody knows where he stays, nobody knows what he looks like. I love him as my own as he calls me mommy.  2 hours with my besties, I rushed off to take my private jet to go see my son.  Yeahhhh do not be lost, I have a son ,and let me take you back to how I am a mother at 22 years.

After my parents died, uncle mike asked my dad's best friend Uncle Larry  to go into hiding since both are lords and if my dad is dead, Dew his elder cousin brother will come for him seeing that my dad and uncle Larry are like brothers. Uncle larry who just got married, went under the surface of the earth.  But situations not controlled by man but the universe brought him out. Uncle larry wife gave birth and 2years after, Larry junior became very sick and need sophisticated medication which brought them out to the opening. Dew never lost the opportunity to kill his brother in order to take over his empire. Yours truly was 18 years and an adult also the hardest assassin. Uncle mike sent me to go bring uncle larry's wife and son, but I was few minutes late as Dew men have already gotten to the wife. She was wise to hide larry junior in a book shelf and she told me in her pool of blood to be his adopted mother and guardian with instructions to never lie to him as he is a very gifted boy. Dew did not know about junior larry and I have kept it that way for over 4 years since larry junior parents passed. I have hidden him, taught him all he knows and be a mother.  Only my two besties and uncle mike that knows about him. I kept him with mama k younger sister in one of my mansion. Yeah I'm super rich. Nobody knows where he stays, nobody knows what he look like. I love him as my own as he calls me mommy.

Disgiuss has always been my strength, so I normally use my private jet to act as in I'm leaving LA but no, I'm still in town. Since I ll be staying with the you know who, I had to go  seenmy son and hopefully, after the mission, he will live his life as a normal kid, no.more hiding.  When I got to my mansion, I went in with the codes and slip in, only to be attacked by my pumpkin, larry I fell down holding him with me. Aunty ify laughed and greeted me and I hugged her. Yeah I don't hug, but this woman literally save me cos what would I have done with a 2 years baby? So I love her. I took larry to my room as we spend time and sleep in my room anytime I come around. I asked him how he was and he said fine. He told me about the game he developed and how he made friend. I was happy. Thing is, larry is a genius,  at 6 years, he has the mind of a 15 year old boy.

I ĺl be going on a mission pumpkin

Really, can I come?

No baby, you can't,  I told you when you reach 15 years I ll take you to your first mission

Mom that's like a million years

Hahaha don't be dramatic boy

Hmmm so why can't you come stay here while you do your mission as you do before?

Cos uncle mike said I ll stay with my partner

Partner, mom that's new

Same thing g I said baby, but I'm doing it cos of you, I want you to live a normal life. Is about Dew so when he is killed, then you are free

Be careful mom, I do not want to lose you too

Nahhh you are stuck with me for life pumpkin

I made new gadgets for you mom and they are bad ass

Language boy

Sorry mom, they are cool.

Better, let's taste them and play some games before leaving

He kissed me and dashed out to go get my gagudet . I told you guys, the boy is a fucking genius...

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