Laffey: "You like cloaks?"

Ayanami: "Um... yes?"

Unicorn: "Didn't you wear one back then?"

Ayanami: "I left it back home..."

Laffey: "Maybe we can get you a new one?"

Ayanami felt a little joy but kept that to herself.

[Pancake Stall]

Javelin: "Five orders of special pancakes please."

???: "Roger that." Passing the slip order to the cook before handling the next customer.

[Minutes Later]

Javelin and Ayanami brought the five plates of pancakes to the table where Unicorn, Laffey, and Yamato were at.

Homemade pancakes drizzled with red berry sauce and berries. One scoop of vanilla ice cream and whipped cream on top. The Berry Special Pancake is now served. 

Unicorn: "It looks wonderful

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Unicorn: "It looks wonderful." Amazed at the food's beauty

Yamato: "A good amount of berries and ice cream included."

Javelin: "Let's eat!"

Everyone else: "Let's eat/Itadakimasu." Giving a small prayer/respect before grabbing the fork and knife.

Laffey quickly stabbed the pancake and shoved the entire content into her mouth. Chewing well and somehow avoiding choking.

Unicorn cut out a piece of pancake with whipped cream and ate it. Giving a blissful smile as she enjoyed the sweet taste.

Yamato went with a combo of pancake and berry, enjoying nature's sweetness.

Javelin went after the ice cream first to enjoy its cold sweetness running down her tongue.

Ayanami stared down at her plate wondering about something else. Unaware of a predator approaching her dessert.

Laffey: "Oops" Forking a strawberry out of Ayanami's plate and eating it.

Ayanami snapped back to reality in shock. Her sadness and anger grew as Laffey chewed her strawberry.

Ayanami: "Behold, the might of the Demon!" With small tears in her eyes, she equips the fork as her weapon.

Laffey: "Bring it." Holding a fork and knife ready for combat.

Laffey and Ayanami's utensils clashed with each other, hard enough for small sparks to form.

Javelin: "Come on, mind your manners. Can't they be classier?" Saying that with pieces of cream on the side of her mouth.

Yamato: "I don't believe they know that, besides having manners thrown out the window. Also, you got messy as well." Using a napkin to wipe the whipped cream off Javelin's face. "There you go."

Javelin: "Thank you." A bit embarrassed of her messy eating when whipped cream is involved. "Are you gonna stop them?"

Yamato: "I would but... they seem to be having fun. Once it's out of their system, I'll give them a proper scolding."

[Mintues later]

Both Laffey and Ayanami were in seiza position, regretting their decisions.

Yamato: "Laffey. If you want more then ask permission before taking or go order another plate. Stealing is wrong, you should already know that."

Laffey: "Sorry..." Tired from her fight

Yamato: "As for you, the utensils aren't made to be used like that. I know you were upset, but that doesn't mean you can go attack the culprit."

Ayanami: "I'm sorry."

Yamato: "Don't apologize to me."

Laffey: "I'm sorry for taking your strawberry, Ayanami."

Ayanami: "I'm sorry for lashing out, Laffey."

Yamato: "Good, now sit still for another five minutes and reflect."

Laffey seems to struggle as her legs begin to get numb from the unusual sitting position. Ayanami was just fine and focused on her past actions.

Unicorn, Javelin, and Yamato continued to check out the other shops around, while Ayanami helped Laffey walk with her numbed legs.

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