Escape of Night

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The group approached closer to the first-sighted ship. Confirming to be a ship of the enemy faction.

Cleveland: "Sirens, here!?" Getting into a combat stance and guns ready, Enterprise quickly interfered.

Enterprise: "No, look closely."

Everyone saw more mass-produced Siren ships floating lifelessly on the ocean. 

Enterprise: "They've already gone through battle..."

Hammann: "Are the ships that sent out the distress signal fighting the Siren?"

Cleveland: "That means we have to hurry! But..."

Yamato: "The battle has passed, either we're too late or they're stuck." The group passed by the broken Siren ship. "There are more signals up ahead, confirm their presence and report back."

Enterprise: "Cover my flank." She rushed ahead of the group.

Cleveland: "Huh? Why..? How..? Why is she always like this?!" Angerly yelling.

Yamato: "Enterprise! Come back here!" Enterprise ignores her orders. 'How does a sole carrier operate under these conditions?' "Hammann, go with Enterprise." She ordered.

Hammann: "Uh, yes!" Chasing after Enterprise.

Yamato: "Does she do this often?"

Cleveland: "So many times that it starts to piss me off."

The battleship and two light cruisers keep a certain distance from Enterprise and Hammann.

Yamato: "Another lifeless Siren..." Stopping to inspect the ship.

Cleveland: "Why did you stop?" Stopping a few meters ahead, so did Belfast.

Belfast: "Is there something bothering you?"

Yamato: "This ship is well intact despite the damages."

Cleveland: "So?"

Yamato: "How many ships appear to be well intact?"

Belfast: "Quite a few."

Yamato: "Have the Sirens ever pretended to be dead?" A question that shocked the two girls.

Cleveland: "Y-You don't mean..." 

Belfast: "We have been walking into their trap. Once we reach the center, we'll be surrounded by all sides."

Yamato: "Call Hammann to sink any Sirens that appear in good condition. Possible chance they'll wake up once we reach the target." Aiming her 127mm cannons at the mass-produced Siren's weak point.

Cleveland: "Roger that." Radio in Hammann about their recent discovery and threat.

*boom* The Siren's hull was punctured and started to sink.

Yamato: "We should get going now. I don't want Enterprise outside of my firing range." 'I wish she would slow down and follow orders.'

Yamato group continued to proceed, meanwhile, Enterprise got closer to the target.

 Hammann: "Wait up Enterprise!" Torpedoing a possible sleeping Siren ship. "I can't keep up!" Enterprise didn't listen as they came closer to the center grave.

Enterprise: "Is that...?" Her eyes sharpen, seeing a non-siren ship floating in the dark. "The one who sent the SOS." Cruising directly at the ship.

Hammann contacted the main group as she chased after Enterprise.

Yamato: "I see. Report on the condition of the ship, we might have to run soon."

Hammann soon reported about the 

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