He watched as a head poked out from above, grinning down at him. "What kind of hair?"

Pezzy crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow impatiently. Droid chuckled at his actions, disappearing for a moment only to return crouched down with a bunched up ladder in one hand. "Back up, Flynn Ryder."

Pezzy let out a small 'pfft' but grinned, obeying and backing up so Droid could throw down the rope ladder for him.

Pezzy huffed out on each step higher on the ladder, trying his best to keep himself balanced on each incline. Once his eyes had gotten over the floor of the structure, he saw Droid, who had taken a few steps back from the entrance, watching him impatiently. With the help of the man, Pezzy was pulled the rest of the way, finally able to let out a breath of relief. Standing up straighter he asked, "Since when did you watch Tangled?"

Droid chuckled as he took a step closer, the wood groaning underneath his feet as he moved. "Hello to you too, Pezzwaldo." He raised his arm and ruffled Pezzy's hair, earning a small 'fuck off' from the latter. He grinned, "And who didn't watch that movie? That movie was fire." He reasoned, moving to the entrance and pulling the ladder back up before taking the bag away from Pezzy's back. "Tell me you've seen it before."

Instinctively, Pezzy's hands came up to fix his now uneven strands of brown locks upon his head, a stark contrast to Droid's. While Pezzy's hair was brown, flat and greasy after not being able to wash it (much to his distaste), Droid's was nearly shaped like an afro after not being able to cut it for so long, but in his own Droid-like way. Like the natural grease that coats their heads wasn't even there. Black-colored curls covered the top of his head, hanging over his forehead, just above his glasses and licked his face, slowly becoming slightly less curly down the sides and back of his head. Pezzy envied it.

"It's been years, but yeah, I've seen it." He replied, delicately touching his hair. "We should try and find a stream or something tomorrow, I wanna try and wash up." Pezzy suggested. He brought his hands down from his hair, giving up on trying to style it. Not that it mattered. Droid took a step back with Pezzy's bag.

Droid nodded while looking down into the bag he'd taken from Pezzy, "Yeah, I could use a rinse, so could our clothes." Gesturing to his own dark blue t-shirt and pants, and then to Pezzy, who wore his block sweatpants and a black t-shirt. They both were dirty, their clothes littered with bits of zombie guts, blood, sweat and dirt; and they knew it. But this was the apocalypse, what more could they do?

Suddenly Droid's face lit up, and he shouted. "Dude!" The sudden outburst made Pezzy flinch, his head snapping to behind him. Everything kept him on edge these days. Months of keeping his eyes and ears peeled, scared of the unknown, his body and mind having gotten used to being cautious and aware of anything and everything.

The shock went away as soon as it came once he noticed that Droid didn't look alarmed, and he replied with a simple 'what' as Droid all but ripped out a crinkly bag of chips. Pezzy was surprised they didn't burst open right then and there at the force.

"You managed to find Fritos!?" Droid exclaimed, turning the bag over and over again to make sure what he was seeing was right. His excitement made Pezzy crack a smile. Despite everything that's happened, he's still managed to keep his goofy old self. "My God, that's so much better than wild fish and berries."

"That's actually not all that I found," Pezzy replied, reaching into his pocket. Droid looked up at him with surprise, his interest in the chips in his hands instantly leaving at Pezzy's words. "I also found this." He held out the object, tilting the box that contained a whole deck of cards towards Droid, who carelessly toss the chips in favor of grabbing the now scarce item from Pezzy.

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