Harry Styles drowning dads and amnesia

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Im stood there frozen in place. "Um.. hello?" Harry said, being a bit unsure of what is going on. Imunique realised, that she should say something. "OH.. Uh.. yeah, yeah, call me Im.. um.. come in" she said stepping further from the door. Harry came inside, and Im stood there, just watching him. "So.. i'm Harry." "I know." Harry raised his brows. "Do you?" He said with a smirk on his face. "Yeah well. I dont live under a rock. I recognise Harry Styles, when I see him."   "Right, yeah, I shoudve known you'd know who I am." he laughs out, shaking his head. Im smiles. For a while theres quite, when all of a sudden Harry seems to remember something. "Oh, I heard about what happened to your parents. Im really sorry about that." "Its alright, you had no way of knowing my dad cannot swim. And my mum leaving wasnt your fault, so.." "I know, but still, I shouldnt have dared your dad to catch the swan. It was a stupid idea." Harry said apologetically. "No, really, its fine. Mistakes happen." Im tried to comfort Harry. He looked up at her with sadness in his eyes. "I just dont want you to hate me. Im really sorry, if I could just turn back time-" "its fine. Besides, I cant hate you. Youre Harry Styles." He laughs at that. "Yeah, well. Im trying to make up for it. It is my fault you lost your dad, so.. I adopted you. Idk if youve been told, but-" "yeah I know. I just didnt know they meant Harry STYLES.  Just like I didnt know that day, that my dad was friends with you. I thought it was just some rando Harry." "Yeah, I try not to scream it from the rooftops." Imunique smiled at that. When she heard that the same Harry, who was there when her dad died was about to adopt her, she wasnt particularly excited about it. But this is Harry Styles. "Whos the second one?" "What?" Harry asked, confused. "You and who? I mean, they said that Harry and someone else is adopting me, whos the someone?" "Oh, right,.. its Louis." "Ohhh" im understood. "Wait. Wow. Ehm. You and Louis, huh?" Harry blushed or maybe imunique just imagined it. "Yeah, me and Louis. But youll get to meet all of One Direction. Do you know, One-" "of course!" Im almost yelled. "Of course I know who one direction is. Omg." She said a bit more quietly now. "Right" Harry laughed "I keep forgetting you actually know us... well, I just wanted to get to know you a little better, before you move in." Right. Imunique will be moving in. She didnt think of that. "Can I bring my pet with me?" "Ofc, well unless its a spider. Or a snake. "Dont worry, its not."

Imunique went to school as usual. She wasnt supposed to tell anyone that Harry Styles is adopting her, so she was forced to lie to Sid and Tree. But she didnt mind. Today was the day, she was moving in with him. Harry was supposed to pick her up today. She still hadnt met Louis yet. When she got back from school, her neighbor was there watering plants. "Hey Neigh!" Im greeted it. "Hello Im. How are you doing?" it shot right back. "Good.., listen, was someone upstairs, when you came in here?" Neigh looked at her and nodded. "Yeah, I thought it was you." "Nah, its just Stal." "Stal?! You mean Stal the Stalker? Stalker Weird? He comes here?!" It shrieked at imunique. "Yeah..why?" "I have to go." Neigh said and immediately left the house. Thats odd. Im thought, but she decided to not think much of that.

She went upstairs and sighed in releif to see her room empty. Nobody was there. Im sat down, ready to study, when she felt the cold breeze on her naked shoulders. Im stood up, walking over to her closet to get a hoodie, or smth so she wouldnt be cold. "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP, QRSTUVWXYZ!" Stal yelled, jumping from her closet. "StAl! I ToLd yOu tO StoP sTaLkiNg ME!" Im yelled back at him. In response he jumped into the window, which was closed. So he just ended up latinu underneath it, with blood gushing out of its head. Im sighed, took her phone and called 911. She needed an ambulance.

"The impact of his head hitting a window changed some trajectories in his  brain. In this case, we think it didnt hurt him, but actually helped his brain develop fast in a small amount of time. With his medical history, we believe he should be able to function just like any other normal person, in a few days. But theres a possibility of amnesia. We cant be certain about anything right now, but he'll be alright in a few days time." The doctor explained. Im thanked him and left the hospital. She doubted that Stal will be able to function like a normal human being. Hes like an animal. Wild. Weird. Not normal.  Imunique smiled walking towards the car. In front of it was Tree, each hand holding an ice cream. They were hanging out today, but Imunique has to come back later to pack her stuff and move in with Harry and Louis. But she'll worry about that later. Rn shes just going to enjoy her time with Tree. While she can.

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