Part 20

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"Hey Kisshouin...Hey Kisshouin," Kaburagi kept repeating my name like a malfunctioning robot, while I, sprawled on the gym floor after our intense workout, didn't even care about the strange gym smell anymore. My muscles were staging a full-scale rebellion, and I thought, "If only I could do a little muscle-joint swap with this stamina-obsessed maniac."

In my wild daydream, even if God transformed me into a rare, sheltered beauty with elegance to make royalty jealous, I'd still turn down every suitor, even the richest person in Japan, who could rival the power of a superhero. I'd dramatically flip my hair and say, "Sorry, not sorry, sweetie."

And then, Kaburagi decided to test the limits of my patience by screaming, "HE-Y KISSHOUIN!" in my ear, making me contemplate creative ways to make him stop. The harsh reality of my "Chief of the Forever Alone Village" title hit me like a ton of bricks.

When he demanded a joke, I quirked an eyebrow and replied, "Are you deaf or something? Anyways, crack a joke for me right now." I couldn't help but wonder if he thought I was a stand-up comedian on the side.

I pondered the absurdity of it all, muttering, "In your eyes, is this Rococo Queen a jokester to you?" While struggling to think of a joke, all that came to mind was a ridiculous one my brother told me when I was just a toddler. Ah, those were the good old days, and if only time travel were a thing...

Kaburagi, unimpressed, dismissed my joke as lame. "Why do you need me to crack a joke for you in the first place?" I fired back, feeling like a reluctant participant in the weirdest comedy show ever.

He then thrust his phone in my face, revealing a list of tips for winning over a girl, including "Tell jokes and whisper sweet nothings." My jaw dropped in disbelief. "You... you..." I was utterly flabbergasted by his cluelessness, and I couldn't help but blame it all on the Kaburagi heir for the impending doom of my sanity.

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