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:D "Someday you will become the sturdy,infallible ,perspicacious willow tree who never wallows in self pity but strives hard to accomplish the innermost desires that lurk in the obscure chambers of heart",utters Johan as his azure hued eyes locked into Magnolia's . "Even I can be like a bull in the china shop when it comes to several things but I haven't called it quits yet because I know  that that's the thing the future me will regret."

:D "Amidst the vast panoply of historical and cultural artefacts that populate the archives of this venerable institution, one can discern a common thread of human ingenuity and perseverance that transcends the limitations of time and geography."

:D "You know Alisha..", uttered Johan as he gazed at the vast expanse of horizon that always seemed to stretch out endlessly , inviting souls to gawk at it's wonders and explore it's mysteries ,"The horizon is a place of infinite possibilities just like life.Therefore,never say die."

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