protective (arsenal)

Start from the beginning


The match starts with Arsenal's possession. Everything's been all back and forth so far.

Meanwhile, Leah makes her way to the stands where your very popular guest is sitting.

"Mind if I sit here?" Leah asks, pointing at the empty seat next to the brunette.

"No, go ahead."

Getting comfortable, the two watch the match, not really acknowledging each other. Leah, the great speaker that she is, is having a hard time to give the apparent girlfriend of her little cub the 'talk'.

"How rude of me. I've not introduced myself. I'm Leah."

"Jenna." She shakes Leah's hand that was held out to her.

"It's very nice to meet you Jenna."

"You as well."

"Okay. Now, I saw that you know our baby gunner over there."



"Oh, yeah. We're close."

"How close would you say is close?"

"I'm not comfortable sharing things about my private life."

"Uh, how do I put this, I have been given a job by her mums to basically find out more about you."

"You know her moms?"

"Well team mums. I'm like the big sister, so I guess I'm trying to give you the 'talk' which is not going so well right now."

"Oh! I'm sorry, I thought you were a fan."

"It's all good. The whole team is just very protective of Y/N. We've known her since she was seventeen and filled in familial roles for her."

The two were chatting it up, Leah getting to know the actress and paying attention to the match going on. Disappointment ran through both Leah and Jenna when the opposition scored in the twenty-fifth minute.

After that, everything's been going back and forth, not much else happening. The Arsenal fans were losing hope once the ninetieth minute came. However, on the ninety-second minute, you stole the ball from your opponent, dribbling around her. Everyone was on the edge of their seat. You kicked the ball through their legs and shot a banger right passed the keeper's gloves, equalizing the match.

You ran towards where Jenna was seated, seeing Leah next to her, but not thinking much of it, and sent a kiss her way, making her blush. Leah pretends to grab it and put it into her pocket making you laugh as you celebrate with the team.

Just two minutes after that, you sent a pass to Alessia, who makes it into the back of the net, giving you the lead. You run up to her and jump into her arms, screaming. The final whistle blows not long after, sending the fans cheering.

Leah as Jenna to follow her as she was going to the pitch, wanting to celebrate with her teammates. You, on the other hand, went to where Jenna was seated, not seeing her anymore, when hands cover your eyes.

"I can't see!"

"You're so cute." You recognize the voice making your turn to face her.

"Jenna! I thought you left!" You wrap your arms around her waist, hers around your neck, standing up straight, her legs lifting off the ground because of your much taller form.

"I told you I wouldn't." You let her go, but keep your hands on her waist

"Babes, you're needed for an interview." You tune to your right to see Lia and Caitlin.

"Ugh." You throw your head back, not wanting to do an interview.

"Off you go. Don't want to keep anyone waiting."

"Wait for me again?" You ask Jenna, getting a nod in response.

Once you leave, Caitlin and Lia step closer to Jenna.

"Hi, I'm Lia, this is Caitlin. What are your intentions with Y/N?"

"Well, when she's done, I intend to take her to this restaurant she's been wanting to try, but not without me, so I've reserved a seat for us there. And for the future, the same thing I've been doing which is to be patient and love her all the same, even more."

"Woah, you're good." Caitlin didn't expect that response.

"Yeah, I've tried to give her the talk, very likable person she is."

"Hey, guys! What are we talking about?" You join back with them after your interview.

"Your girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? I-uh-d-don't have a-a—"

"They figured it out." Jenna interrupts your stuttered response.

"Fine. I have a girlfriend. It's so cool right!" You give everyone your famous bright smile.

Caitlin and Lia wrap an arm each around you, walking towards the tunnel.

"We still have to give you the talk thought."

"What? No, please don't!"

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