CHAPTER 27 - Demetria

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I was late to the football game. After joe  left, I stripped down to my bra and underwear and

jumped into the pool to grab my keys. Thanks to joe, I got a demotion. Darlene, the co-captain of the

pom squad, is now officially the captain. It took me a half hour to dry my hair and reapply my makeup in

the girl.s changing room. Ms. Small was p.o..d I was late to the game. She told me I should feel lucky I

got a demotion instead of being suspended from the squad.

After the game, I lay down on the living room couch with my sister. My hair still smells like

chlorine, but I.m too tired to care. As I watch reality shows after dinner, my eyes start to close.

“Demi, wake up. Colin is here,” my mom says, shaking me.

I look up at Colin, standing over me. He puts his hands up. “You ready?”

Oh, man. I forgot about Shane.s party, which was planned months ago. I.m so not in the mood.

“Let.s ditch it and stay home.”

“Are you kidding? Everyone is expecting us to be there. There.s no way missing the biggest

bash of the year.” He looks at my sweatpants and T-shirt that says GET CHECKED, which I got when I

did the Breast Cancer Walk last year. “I.ll wait while you get changed. Hurry up. Why don.t you wear

that black minidress I love?”

I drag myself to my closet to change. In the corner, lying next to my DKNY tank top, is joe.s

bandanna. I washed it last night, but I close my eyes and bring it to my nose to see if his scent lingers in

the fabric. All I smell is laundry detergent and find myself disappointed. I.m not ready to analyze my

feelings right now, especially since Colin is downstairs waiting for me.

Slipping on the black minidress and fixing my hair and makeup takes a while. I hope Colin isn.t

pissed I.m taking so long. I have to get it right. My mom will surely comment on my appearance in front

of him.

Back downstairs, I see Colin sitting on the edge of the couch ignoring Shelley. I think he.s nervous

around her.

My mom “the inspector” walks over to me and feels my hair. “Did you condition?”

Does she mean before or after my swim in the pool to retrieve my keys? I push her hand away.

“Mom, please.”

“You look amazing,” Colin says, sidling up beside me.

Thankfully Mom backs away, obviously pleased and comforted by Colin.s approval even if my hair

isn.t perfect.

During the ride to Shane.s house, I study my boyfriend of two years. The first time we kissed was

during a spin-the-bottle game at Shane.s house our sophomore year. We made out in front of everyone,

Colin taking me in his arms and kissing me for a full five minutes. Yes, the onlookers timed it.

been a couple ever since.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asks, glancing my way.

“I was remembering the first time we kissed.”

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