Chapter 24: This! Is! Shi! Yan's! Kindness!

Start from the beginning

Shi Yan held the phone in one hand and looked at it for a very long time. The neon lights outside the window flickered onto his eyes, like faint and constantly changing emotions flowing in his heart.

He pressed the "Talk" button.

"Why? Did your ex not care?"

His voice was as deep as ever, and she couldn't hear any emotions as well.

But the smile on Zheng Shuyi's face instantly disappeared and the bowl of noodles didn't look as appealing anymore either.

Cared, of course he cared.

Yue Xingzhou cared a lot about these details, otherwise, he wouldn't have successfully pursued her in the first place.

After mentioning the thing that upset Zheng Shuyi the most, she twitched the corners of her mouth and stopped sending audios with her coquettish voice anymore. She typed coldly: It's only the end of December, what are you mentioning him for?

Shi Yan: Huh?

Zheng Shuyi sneered.

Zheng Shuyi: It's not Qingming Festival yet.

After a long time.

Shi Yan: Sleep early.

The crescent moon hung high, mottling the leaves.

Zheng Shuyi lied on her bed and looked at the ceiling. She couldn't fall asleep and instead thought of Shi Yan's words.

She asked if he cared about his ex-girlfriend like this the same way before, but he didn't give a direct reply.

Staying silent was also a type of reply.

For some reason, Zheng Shuyi felt a little jealous.

What are you jealous of?

She asked herself.

Perhaps it was because she was jealous that his ex-girlfriends could also eat Nine Flavor's delivery.


It took her a long time to fall asleep that night, so the next morning, Zheng Shuyi almost arrived at her office late again.

She didn't have time to buy coffee. After she sat down, she searched around and couldn't find the instant coffee she had on her table before. Therefore, she asked Kong Nan, "Do you still have coffee?"

"No," replied Kong Nan, "I stopped drinking instant coffee for a long time already."

Zheng Shuyi yawned, "Whatever, I can hold for a while."

When she said this, Xu Yuling happened to pass by. She was holding a cup of American-style coffee in her hand.

Xu Yuling suddenly stopped.

Zheng Shuyi could feel her from behind and looked up.

Xu Yuling also seemed to be a little haggard today. The thick makeup on her face still couldn't cover up the dark circles under her eyes. She definitely didn't sleep well last night either.

Zheng Shuyi didn't care about her. The conflict between the two was already obvious, there was no need to say hello.

She silently looked away and reached out to open her laptop.

At this moment, a cup of hot American coffee was placed on her table.

Zheng Shuyi was taken back for a moment and then looked up at Xu Yuling again.

She raised her eyebrows and said, "I just bought it and I haven't drunk it yet. You can have it."

Her tone was calm and her expression looked normal as if the two were colleagues who were good friends with each other.

Accidental Love by Qiao YaoWhere stories live. Discover now