Chapter XX: The Wedding and The End

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"I am yours and you are mine, from this day until the end of our days."

Upon their return from Narnia Susan and Enzo would begin preparations to marry in London

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Upon their return from Narnia Susan and Enzo would begin preparations to marry in London.

It had taken nearly a year, but their parents had finally agreed, albeit reluctant to permit their engagement however would insist upon a lengthy engagement to prove that they were not marrying due to an unwanted pregnancy.

The notion had provoked a laugh from Enzo as he and Susan engaged in their first conversation regarding children since the loss of Susan's pregnancy years before.

It seemed their thoughts were as they were in most subjects perfectly aligned and understanding of each other.

Children would be nice in the future after both established a stable career and had time to spare for the prescience of children. Two would be nice, boys or girls they didn't mind, and they would live in the outskirts of London where the air remained fresh and unburdened by the war, where the landscape reminded them of Narnia.

Upon their engagement Enzo would once again be called to Narnia, this time aiding Edmund and Lucy as well as Caspian, in their pursuits.

That would be his last time visiting Narnia as his faith in the almighty Aslan dwindled, and the rings would find their home with Eustace.

He hadn't forgotten Narnia, he often looked fondly upon their time spent their, however he knew that his time spent their without Susan would be far from pleasant, as his personality would be, protecting Kings and Queens he held no regard for, not matter how his duty would appeal.

Three years had passed and Enzo had been conscripted to the war much akin to his father, once more pushing their wedding date.

He spent two years on the front lines, fighting to return to his wife and upon the end of the war he would find solace with her once more.

The war had changed him, he was no longer soft spoken, gentle, a poet, but he hadn't been since Narnia. He was neither a soldier as he returned home, military in his ways. No he was the King that Susan needed, the King at her side rather than the Knight that followed a few paces behind.

It seemed a miracle to his father that he would return so unaffected by the war, however Susan saw the signs, his bouncing leg, his short temper, fortunately she had dealt with his war torn mind for year, and their parents finally saw that they truly loved and understood one another, even in their young age.

What they didn't see was the years behind their affection, how naturally they settled into one another, how effortless they acted in tandem.

Or perhaps they did see it, even if they did, they never commented, as they hadn't after their return from the Professors estate.

What would strike them as curious was the abundance of money they possessed as they settled into a small estate in the countryside of London, perhaps that was a question that was better left for the imagination.

Enzo had found that pure gold fetched a nice price, even if he hadn't meant to take it from Narnia. However it seemed to Enzo Aslan smiled upon his success and prosper, or at least that is what he had taken to believing following the establishment of Aslan's charity helping those who struggled financially following the war.

He would pursue medicine, establishing a successful practice in London, that would grow beyond London, into many major towns and cities of England.

However as time continued, he would outgrow his desire to practice medicine, and establish a security company, and beyond that hotels, bars and casinos. He would grow to become one of the most successful businessmen men of the century. With his loyal wife at his side, the pair were invincible.

Their wedding would take place 5 years after their engagement, where the Pevensie family would attend with bright smiles as they watched their daughter and sister marry the man she loved.

For the siblings it seemed entirely more special watching for a second time as Susan and Enzo married before beloved family and friends proclaiming their love for one another.

As it turned out Enzo's lifeline was intertwined with Susan's own, and after many years of a joyous marriage, and creating the perfect family, they both retired to bed together one evening and neither woke that following morning.

Susan had tragically lost her siblings many years earlier, as she had lost her belief in Narnia, however it seemed that many conversations with her husband would reestablish those memories, and as such they would awake, young once more, hands intertwined as they entered Aslan's country.

They left behind two children, a son and daughter, Enzo Bane II (per Susan's insistence) and Natasha Bane, as well as many grandchildren, they were succeeded by a new generation that would create a new legacy, further expanding Bane Industries.

They would reunite with many old friends in Aslan's country, laughing in reunion as they were met with the friendly faces of Peter, Lucy, Edmund, Mr Tumnus, and the Beavers.

Their Grandchildren would often hear tales of Narnia, the adventures of their grandparents fulfilling their childish imaginations

As well as retelling their own stories of their grandparents to all those of whom would listen, telling them how even in their elderly years, no one would speak ill of their grandmother in fear that their grandfather would find out.

Or how, even at 90 their grandmother would practice archery on their estate, and their grandfather would ride through their many fields.

Or rather, how even as a war veteran, despite the tragedy of what he saw he never drank excessively to forget, nor laid a hand on his wife, how instead, while retelling the horrors of the war, he would hold his wife hand, smile and retell what he saw so that his great grandchildren could etch it down on pen and paper for their history homework.

Susan Pevenise-Bane
1928 - 2018
Long May She Reign
Beloved Wife - Mother - Sister

Enzo Bane
1927 - 2018
Her Protector Always
Beloved Husband - Father - Son

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