Chapter V: St Nick

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"Your a brave man, son of Adam, and you are destined for much beyond what you believe."

Enzo ran hurriedly behind Susan the group rushing back the beavers damn, as fast as was achievable for them

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Enzo ran hurriedly behind Susan the group rushing back the beavers damn, as fast as was achievable for them.

They reached the damn quickly, Enzo slamming the door, standing guard as Mrs Beaver began departing preparations.

Mr Beaver revealed a tunnel briskly encouraging the group to enter Enzo last as he shut it after himself allowing for a second of relief before hurriedly following them.

"Reg and me dug this, comes right out by his place." Mrs Beaver gasped affronted,

"He told me it lead to your mums." Enzo chuckled quietly at the disgruntlement following briskly.

The sound of them in the tunnel provoked each party to increase their pace, "You should have brought a map!"

Mrs Beaver cried anxiously, Mr Beaver raising his hands irritated "There was no room next to the jam."

They squeezed through the tunnel arms constricted as they found fresh air. The sight of frozen animal, grinding his teeth together angry, innocents punished for simply supporting the notion of a free Narnia.

"What happened here?" Peters voice spoke into the mourning silence,

"This is what happens to anyone, who crosses the Witch." A shrill voice spoke in response, the sight of a fox, succeeding Mr Beaver into a blind rage.

"You take one more step traitor, and I'll chew you to splinters!" He walked angrily toward the canine, Mrs Beaver holding him back softly,

"Relax, I'm one of the good guys." He sauntered toward the group, seemingly aware of the generalisation of his breed.

"Yeah well you look and awful lot like one of the bad ones." The fox sighed knowingly, observing the group.

"An unfortunate family resemblance, but we can argue breeding later. Right now we've got to move." He gazed at Peter, however the eldest Pevensie siblings was unable to muster any words, instead Enzo responded with a harsh gaze.

"What did you have in mind?"

Wolves surrounded the fox, a predatory growl echoing the woods, as they all perched in a tree, Enzo's hand clasped over Lucy's mouth to prevent any noise escaping her.

The wolves retreated abandoning the fox injured and alone, until Enzo aided Lucy and Susan from the tree, the youngest Pevensie rushing to aid the animal.

"Are you alright?" Lucy asked concerned,

"I wish I could say their bark was worse than their bite." Enzo nodded, an arm wrapped around Susan protectively as she borrowed into his chest.

"Oh, stop squirming, your worse than Beaver on bath day." The name Beaver shuddered at the thought,

"Worse day of the year." The siblings chuckled as the fox stood tenderly,

"Thank you, for your kindness, but I'm afraid that's all the cure I have time for." He nodded to Mrs Beaver in appreciation,

"Your leaving?" Lucy spoke disheartened,

"It has been a pleasure my Queen and an honour, but time is short and Aslan himself has asked me gather more troops." Mr and Mrs Beaver gasped excited,

"You've seen Aslan, what's he like?" The fox smiled softly,

"Like everything we've ever heard. You'll be glad to have him by your side, in the battle against the Witch." Susan sighed loudly

"But we're not planning on fighting any Witch." The fox looked up astounded at her words,

"Surely King Peter, Captain Enzo, the prophecy?" He gazed at Enzo and Peter with a expression of surprise almost begging for their participation,

"We can't go to war without you." Mr Beavers words were soft as Peter responded,

"We just want our brother back."

"Now Aslan's camp is near the stone table, just across the frozen river

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"Now Aslan's camp is near the stone table, just across the frozen river." Peter gazed down at the Beaver with wide eyes,

"River?" Enzo chuckled both his hands occupied by a Pevensie sibling, as he spoke,

"The river been frozen for a hundred years, mate, it isn't going to give way anytime soon." The boy nodded his eyes glazing over the setting,

"It's so far." Mrs Beavers giggled audibly,

"It's the world dear, did you expect it to be small?" Susan sighed tugging both Enzo and Lucy alongside her,

"Smaller." The group began their descent trailing the snow blanketed water,

"Come on humans, while we're still young." Enzo chuckled and arm around Susan and he walked,

"If he tells us to hurry one more time, I'm gonna turn him into a big fluffy hat." Peter bent down to hoist Lucy onto his back until the panicked voice of Mr Beaver interrupted,

"Come on, hurry up!" Lucy spoke softly with a small frown,

"He is getting a little bossy." Mrs Beaver shook her head arm aggressively encouraging them foreword,

"No behind you! It's her!" Peter immediately dropped Lucy running in hand as the sleigh approached from behind.

Enzo scooped her up carrying her as he ran, to prevent her trailing behind. Snow kicking up from beneath their feet as they ran, chests heaving.

"Hurry!" They all hid concealed in a cave, the shadow of a figure proving frightening.

"Maybe she's gone?" Peter released a loud breath,

"I suppose I'll go look?" Mr Beaver stopped him immediately, speaking in a hushed whisper,

"No, your worth nothing to Narnia dead." Enzo sighed untangling himself from Susan and Lucy neither girl willing to release him,

Mr Beaver scurried away before he could volunteer himself jovially returning gleeful,
"Come here, come here, I hope you've all been good because there's someone here to see ya."

Enzo furrowed his brows encouraging Lucy and Susan foreword, as they all clambered out to see Santa Claus awaiting them with a smile.

"Merry Christmas, Sir." Santa nodded with a jolly smile,

"It certainly is Lucy, since you have arrived." Susan looked toward Enzo desperately in need of reassurance,

"Look I've put up with a lot since we got here but this-" Peter interrupted her with a wide smile,

"We thought you were the Witch." Santa's gaze trailed the floor slightly apologetic,

"Yes we'll I'm sorry about that but in my defence, I've been driving one of these longer than the witch."

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