Nico Robin | The Monkey King

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Requested by - PiperAdel


The notorious Straw Hat pirates were currently resting on a small Island. The two ladies were relaxing at the beach while the others were doing their own thing. Sanji was preparing food for everyone while Luffy, Usopp, Brook, and Chopper were playing volleyball with each other. Zoro was on lookout with Franky. Nobody could've expected that someone else was with them on that Island.

Sanji: The food is ready!

Luffy: Meat! I'll eat it all!

Usopp: Oi! Leave some for us!

As they began to devour the food, Robin and Nami looked at them in amazement.

Nami: How can they eat so much?

Robin: Luffy's made of rubber so it kinda makes sense but I don't know about others.

Nami: Well? Are you gonna eat with us?

Robin: No. You can go ahead. I have to finish this book and besides, I'm not that hungry.

Nami: Alright.

Nami left Robin and now she was all alone. As she read the book, she heard something from behind. There was a sound coming from the bushes.

Robin: Eh? Is someone there?

She got up and walked towards the bushes. She moved it aside and was startled to see who it was.

(Y/N): (Nervous laugh) Apologies miss...

Robin: Who are you?

(Y/N) got up from his sitting position and extended his hand.

(Y/N): (Y/N) (L/N) at your service.

Robin shook his hand with a confused expression.

Robin: Nico Robin. What are you doing here?

(Y/N): Ah! I'm just looking for some food and I couldn't help but drool when I smelled that delicious meat. Do you think, maybe I could have some too?

Robin: Why don't you come out and introduce yourself to others?

(Y/N): Ehehe... I'm not good with people and they usually don't like me very much.

Robin: Fine. I'll bring you some.

(Y/N): Thank you!

Robin went to Sanji and got a plate.

Nami: I thought you weren't hungry.

Robin: U-uh... Changed my mind?

Nami: Uh-huh...

She quickly walked away and gave the plate to (Y/N).

(Y/N): Oh lord... Thank you so much! Let's share.

Robin: N-no... It's fine. You can have it.

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