Part 32.

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His body was numb, his ears were ringing, he tried to open his eyes slowly until he could see Jaebum covered in blood

"Sun...bae" Yoongi whispered

Jaebum looked at Yoongi sadly, trying to raise his limp hand to gently reach the white cheek which was now stained with blood. Jaebum tried to speak even though it was a soft whisper.

"Sorry...sshh, forgive me f-for h-hurting you. uhuk..uhuk.. sorry...
b-because I love you too much, to...hurt you. I love you Kim Yoongi"

Right after saying that, Jebum's eyes closed and his breath disappeared

"Sorry...because...I-i can't return..your f-feelings sunbae" Yoongi whispered then his eyes slowly closed following Jaebum.

Their breath caught in their throats when they saw how the car had been hit so hard that it rolled over, causing a commotion in the street from both drivers and pedestrians.

" please" they quietly shook their heads to get rid of all the possibilities of what could happen

With weak legs they tried to approach the car which was now overturned with a cloud of smoke emerging

Taehyung pushed his way through the people who just watched without doing anything

"Don't you have a heart huh?! quickly call an ambulance" Namjoon said in a high tone looking at the people there sharply

Seokjin tensed when he saw how destroyed the car was, and what was even more broken was his heart when he saw his love inside there lying helplessly. with a face covered in blood

Jungkook approached Yoongi then checked the sweet young man's pulse and thankfully it was still throbbing even though it was weak and immediately Jungkook tried to get Yoongi out because a lot of smoke was starting to come out.

"Hyung, help me...quickly," Jungkook said to Seokjin who had been silent, Seokjin gasped and immediately helped Jungkook to get Yoongi out

Yoongi's leg was stuck, so it was so difficult to get out that sparks started to appear, they all panicked

"please..please..hiks" Seokjin cried in panic as well as Jungkook tried to pull Yoongi's leg

Meanwhile, Namjoon and Taehyung checked Jaebum's condition but unfortunately the young man was already dead. Then they laid Jaebum's body on the asphalt after successfully pulling him out, then helped Seokjin and Jungkook to get Yoongi out.

"Why is it so hard, hiks" Seokjin sobbed and continued to pull Yoongi's body with Jungkook. While Taehyung and Namjoon tried to get Yoongi's legs out of the metal of the car that was pinning him.

"There are more and more sparks," Jungkook said

"Just a little more," Taehyung exclaimed as he managed to pull Yoongi's leg slowly

"Pull Yoongi's body slowly, hyung," said Namjoon then followed by Seokjin and Jungkook

"Hana...dul...set...pull" said Taehyung

Seokjin and Jungkook pulled Yoongi until he managed to get out, and just as Yoongi's body managed to get out the car exploded instantly

They looked at the car which was now being engulfed in red flames, they said thanks in their hearts when they managed to get Yoongi out

"Yoon? can you hear hyung? Hey?" Seokjin tried to gently pat the blood-stained cheek, until the small eyes opened slowly, although not completely

"hyungh..." a small voice that was like a whisper was heard by them

"Hyung is here honey, please hold on for a moment hm" Seokjin gently wiped the blood on Yoongi's face

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