Part 17.

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A husband and wife were seen walking at the airport with their hands holding each other intimately, walking while glancing around to find the driver who would pick them up.

Not long after, an old man came over and bowed respectfully

"Welcome sir, madam"

"Thank you ahjjussi, how are you?" he asked kindly

"Very good, Mr. Kim," he replied with a slight bow. "Want to go home now, sir?" he continued

The man called Mr. Kim or more precisely Kim Jongsuk did not immediately answer, he turned his head briefly to look at the woman he loved.

"Do you want to go home now, darling?" he asked softly, making the woman smile and nod

"Just go home now, I'm very tired plus I really miss the children," she answered and got a nod from her husband

"Okay, ahjussi please bring the suitcase," he said and the driver nodded in return

"OK, Mr. Kim."

"Hey hyung, don't take my cake," Jungkook said, not accepting it because Taehyung took his favorite cake, even though it was the last cake.

"Anyway you have to replace it, hyung," Jungkook annoyed

"Gosh! you're so noisy, you just have to buy more at the supermarket, what's so hard about it?" Taehyung said, looking annoyed at Jungkook who was also looking at him with disapproval

"Just so you know, hyung. this cake is only available once a month. And it's hard to get it," shouted Jungkook, making the others look tired of their drama.

"Can you guys shut up?! I couldn't focus on watching," Seokjin said irritably, hitting their heads hard making them scream in pain

"Do you want me to report it to Appa again, hmm?" Hoseok was ready with his camera, but was stopped by their shouts

"Andwae!" taehyung & jungkook

"So, shut up!" Now it was Jimin's turn to look annoyed at them, only to be met with innocent grins from Taehyung and Jungkook. Hell, they didn't want to get angry from Jimin, ugh.. that was so scary!

"Hyungie..." the hoarse call made them turn around and saw Yoongi who had just come down the stairs and rubbed his eyes, making them immediately excited.

Once close, Yoongi was suddenly pulled to sit on Seokjin's lap, making the little eyes widen cutely

"'re so cute." he said then kissed those thin lips, making the others roll their eyes lazily

"Was Seokjin hyung the only one who was given a kiss?" Namjoon asked with his arms crossed, making Yoongi look at Namjoon confused.

"It was Jinnie hyung who gave the kiss, not me hyung," Yoongi explained, making them annoyed

"Anyway you also have to get a kiss from us," Hoseok said in disapproval and Yoongi just nodded, then approached them one by one, letting them kiss his lips. And now it ended with Jimin.

Jimin pulled Yoongi to sit on his lap, then kissed his lips. As if he wasn't satisfied, Jimin started to crush his lips, making the others glare in disapproval.

Before they had time to protest, a scream echoed through the luxurious room, making them turn their heads and immediately swallow hard


"A-appa," they were shocked when they saw the head of the family looking at them angrily and disappointedly, while the woman next to him was staring blankly at them, ah no, more precisely at Yoongi. The one who was stared at was just silent with her face lowered.

Jongsuk really didn't expect to see a scene like this, his intention was to give a surprise but instead he got the surprise. Then he stepped his legs closer, approaching those who were now only silent

"Explain what's really going on here?" he asked firmly, but they were all silent, no one answered because they were too afraid of the aura his father was emitting.

"ANSWER!" The scream echoed again making them flinch, while Yoongi had been crying silently all this time

Jieun, who saw Yoongi crying, couldn't bear it and decided to grab her son's tiny hand to take him to Yoongi's room. While the others looked at Yoongi sadly

"Still no one wants to answer?" Jongsuk asked again with rolling eyes looking at them one by one

"Jin, can you explain?" Hearing his name being called, Seokjin turned his head and looked down

"Mianhe appa" he whispered

"Appa doesn't need an apology, what I need is your explanation" Jongsuk demanded an explanation again, making them sigh softly

"We love him Appa" Namjoon's whisper made Jongsuk wide-eyed. What did he say? Love?

"Do you know what it means to love?" and that question silenced them, making Jongsuk let out a rough breath

"How can you call it love, if you don't understand the meaning of love itself, hah... it doesn't matter if you love your half-brother because you are not in the same womb, but you have to know what the meaning of love for a sibling is, and what is the meaning of love for another person" explained Jongsuk, making them silent, digesting word for word that came out of his father

Without waiting for an answer, Jongsuk went to rest his body and mind

Meanwhile, in the tiny young man's room, there was silence after Yoongi revealed that he loved his hyung, which made his small hands grip the hem of his shirt tightly because he was nervous, especially when he saw the blank stare given by the person who gave birth to him, it made him feel guilty.

"Mianhe eomma" the voice drifted through the silence, making the older one glance at the young man beside him who was none other than his only child.

"Why?" Jieun asked, making Yoongi look up to look at the woman he had loved all his life in confusion

"Why does it have to be Hyung-deul?" he asked again, making Yoongi bite his lip

"Why not someone else? Eomma hopes you can love someone else, not your brother." Jieun now looked at Yoongi who was crying without sobbing, it made her heart ache like crazy.

"I don't know, eomma, this feeling suddenly appeared. Likewise with Hyung-deul," Yoongi answered tremblingly, trying to hold back his sobs. And that made Jieun even more unable to bear to see a child crying like that.

"Do you know what it means to love Yoon?" while wiping the tears that had fallen from her son's soft cheeks she asked, and Yoongi shook his head in response.

"You have to know what love for a sibling means and what love for another person means, make sure that your feelings aren't wrong."

Jieun pulled Yoongi into a warm embrace, making Yoongi cry again, she gently stroked his shaking back regularly.

"If it's for the happiness of Eomma's sweet child, Eomma will support you, darling," said Jieun while kissing the top of Yoongi's head.

"Thank you Eomma, I love you," Yoongi tightened his arms around Jieun, making Jieun smile.

"Eomma also loves you sweetie"

Should i Continue?

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