Through out the week, I never spoke with somebody, and just do my work silently.

I stayed until midnight just to forget about her when suddenly, the studio's door opened.

"Hey, Bada? How have you been?" I looked up, seeing Minju Unnie.

"I'm good."

"Hey, do you have a contact with Yena? You're friends right?" She asked which made my blood boiled.

"She's your girlfriend, and you don't have her contact number?" I said sharply.

"Fuck? You believed the rumours?" 

"Rumours?! Oh fuck you! I saw you both kissing in the studio! Don't fucking lie to my face." I yelled at her out of anger.

"Bada what the fuck? You didn't hear her out?! I thought you guys talked about it?"

"There is nothing to talk about Minju. We don't have something to hold on to anyways. I'm sure it's nothing to her-" I was cut off with her shout.

"She fucking pushed me away after I kissed her!" Wait kissed her?

"She is way to inlove with you Bada! She fucking packed her things immediately like she's on a rampage. She acts like she committed a fucking Sin."

"She contacted your phone even if it's already night, even though she knows that it's your nap time. She fucking murmured her apologies even if your not there to hear it!" 

"She love you so damn much"

"I fucking regretted it! I ruined something that it shouldn't have been ruined! I Fucked up!" She cried hard as I stood there frozen in my place. 

She - she what? I...... fuck!

Fuck fuck fuck

End of flashback


Bada's Pov:

"I'm sorry for not that listening to you that day. I'm sorry if I didn't hear you out. I'm sorry  if I'm way to clouded by thought of you with someone else who is not me. I'm fucking selfish!" I cried my heart as she stared at me with her teary eyes.

"I was confused and hurt knowing that you love someone else. I- I thought, maybe, I am the problem, but fuck, I didn't even hear you out. I created a huge fucking mistake!"

"Please! Just one more chance, let me make it up to you, hm?" My knees landed on the soil, not minding if my pants will get dirtied by it.


Yena's Pov:

I see where is she is coming from. If I put myself in her shoe, I would feel the same way. I'll feel betrayed too, knowing that someone you like shows you signals, motives and ended seeing them, kissing someone else.

 She acted out of hatred. She didn't think it through. She assumed. 

But in my part, I have moved on, not really but it's coming there. After seeing her again for the first time, it made me feel better. I acted all tough and stern looking at her even though when she looks away, I'll be admiring her.

After our first meeting in the shooting, my nightmares were lessen, and that answers my question, she is the therapy, she is the medicine that I've been needing. She's my cure.

Kirsten gave me the idea to hear her out, and I must say, it's worth the shot.

I know you'll be judging me, on why did I forgive her that fast.

I was never angry with her, I was angry to myself that I have caused her pain. I made her hate me.

I made Bada stand up but she keeps on insisting to kneel to the soil.

"Hey, stand up." I said but she only shooked her head desperately as she cries her apologies.

"I deserve this! I gave you a fucking trauma! I despised you to something that you didn't do!"

"Hey, stand up. It's okay. I heard you. I'm not mad, I'm just waiting for your explanation."

"Last month, Minju unnie contacted me. She told me how she's sorry and she also told me, your side, and I understand it." I said and made her stand up and pulled her into a hug.

I patted her back and made her calm.

She hugged me back as she stiffs. I kissed her forehead, the thing that I always do way back.

Crying isn't suitable for her. Bada is way too precious. Even though she looks cute with her red nose and puffy eyes, I don't want her cries to keep going.

Fuck, now I feel bad for making her cry again, and I know Kirsten will kill me when she finds out about it.

The Sea and Moon duo are backkkk!!!

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