Chapter 10

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Meerab stopped when she heard the words from Ammi. She returned from the office and listened to Mariyam and her mother. She wasn't ready for this at all.

Meerab : That girl is me?

Mariyam and Ammi looked back and saw Meerab. Their hearts were drying for fear that Meerab heard everything.

Mariyam : Actually Meerab. What happened was....!

Meerab : Appi, answer me first. Am I that girl?

Ammi : Yes Meerab! That girl is you.

Mariyam : Ammi, what's this?

Ammi : How long will you hide all the truth? (To Meerab) There is another truth that you don't know.

Mariyam : Ammi plz! Murtasim will be angry if he knows.

Ammi : Let him. I can't see my son ending up like this anymore. How long will my son suffer? How long? My son didn't sleep at night just for this girl. She got married and took away my son's all happiness, laughter, night's sleep.

Meerab was shedding tears. Mariyam was trying to stop Ammi but couldn't.

Ammi : Meerab, I don't know why you couldn't have a happy family. I don't know if it's for my son's tears or your luck was bad. But yes! Sometimes my son used to call you just to hear your voice. My son has been waiting a long time. Long time! But not anymore. This time you have to decide.

Mariyam : What are you talking about?

Ammi : You keep quiet. Meerab, will you marry Murtasim?

Suddenly receiving such an offer, Meerab was surprised and Mariyam was also surprised.

Meerab said nothing and ran to her room. She didn't know why everything seemed blurry to her. She was crying thinking that she had unknowingly hurt Murtasim a lot. And Murtasim never said anything openly.

On the contrary, he used to help her, protect her from everything, stay by her side like a shadow.

Meerab : I'm too bad. Too bad! How much he suffered because of me! And I thought I could keep everyone happy. But no! I can't keep anyone happy. I hurt everyone. Everyone!

She broke down in tears. She was feeling guilty.

On the other hand, Murtasim was very tired and returned home and saw Mariyam sitting. He was going to his room without much care. But Mariyam called him and said,

Mariyam : Murtasim, a big incident has happened bhai.

Murtasim : What happened Appi?

Mariyam : Meerab knows everything. Ammi told her everything today. Everything!

Murtasim was surprised hearing Mariyam's words. He went to Meerab's room without saying anything. Meerab's room was completely dark and his chest twisted when he saw it. Yet he entered the room with courage. He turned on the lights and saw Meerab crouching in a corner like a child.

There was silence around. He went to Meerab's side. The fear in his chest seemed to increase. Did Meerab lost her faith in him?

Murtasim :  Meerab, are you alright?

Hearing Murtasim's voice, Meerab looked up and saw him.

Murtasim : Meerab, please stop crying. Please! I can't stand your crying. Please!

Meerab : Why do you love so much? Why?

Hearing the word love, Murtasim became silent. He smiled and said,

Murtasim : There is no reason to love, Meerab. Love is sacred. We don't have to find the reason for love.

Meerab : I gave you nothing but pain. You should have hated me. And on the contrary, you helped me so much, gave me a place to stay in your house.

Murtasim : The man of love can never be hated. And there is no love without pain. You have given me a very big thing which is enough reason for me to love.

Meerab : What?

Murtasim : The smile on your face. Which makes me happy. And I am very happy to see this smile.

Meerab : If there was someone else in your place, maybe ,,, (bowed her head)

Murtasim : Hmm! But those who truly love from the heart know how to respect the person from the heart whom he didn't get. There were many reasons why I didn't get you. But the biggest reason is that my love is one-sided. So, there is no question of hating you. You didn't know I love you.

Meerab : You told me that opportunities in life don't come again and again. But I got that opportunity. Can I ask you something ?

Murtasim : Hmm. Say!

Meerab : Will you marry me?

Murtasim seemed to stop when he heard this. Meerab looked at him and said,

Meerab : Will you give me the dignity of your wife? If you don't want to, you don't have to. It will be as your wish.

Murtasim : Meerab, everything should not be decided in a hurry. Especially when it comes to the question of living together forever.

Meerab : I said thoughtfully. At the decision of the family, I once called the biggest storm of my life. I want to be in this family with all of you. I made this decision after thinking. I know I'm not perfect for you.       

Murtasim : Shut up!

Meerab was startled by Murtasim's threat.

Murtasim : No one is born perfect. Okay? We have to make perfect with love. I don't want your decision to be wrong. 

Meerab : Why? Can't you keep me safe for the rest of your life?

Murtasim : I'm ready to keep you safe. To do everything for the smile on your face for the rest of my life.

Meerab : Then?

Murtasim : Everything will happen after informing your family.

Meerab : Ha! Ha! Family? The family who threw their daughter into hell for fear of society, for fear of their dignity, said that society is bigger than their daughter. You'll tell them? They will never listen to you. And on the contrary, they will tell you a lot of things.

Murtasim : Meerab, parents never want their child bad. Maybe they thought everything would be fine. Because Zubair used to do drama of being good to your parents. He pretended that he was very good and was keeping you happy. Meerab, your parents were thinking of marrying your sister. Because in our society, divorced girls are considered a burden. They think, where there is a divorced girl, the house girl is not good. Meerab, if we can change our society, girls will be able to stand with their heads held high.

Meerab : You are a storehouse of knowledge.

Murtasim : Ha! Ha! Your eyes are swollen, swollen face! What have you done to yourself? Allah!

Meerab : Where? Huh!

Murtasim : Yes, I see! Well, come down fresh. I'm telling everyone to play the wedding shanai at home.

Meerab : Marriage will be in a small way.

Murtasim : No! Not at all! After all, it's my mother's only son and sister's only brother's marriage. And will the marriage of Ifra's mamu be like this? Huh?

Meerab kept smiling because the way Murtasim spoke was different. Murtasim told Meerab to get fresh and after he went downstairs and told everyone about marriage, everyone was very happy today. Ammi cried happily and Mariyam hugged Murtasim and said,

Mariyam : True love never loses. See, what was in your destiny will be yours today. Murtasim, you tell everyone to be patient never to be disappointed in life. You always had patience and see, today you have the result of that patience.

Meerab went downstairs and heard the words. Ammi hugged her and kissed her on the forehead and said,

Ammi : You don't know how much you made me happy today.       

Everyone smiled. Today Meerab was very happy and with the whole family Murtasim.

To be continued.
Next part will come after 60+ votes

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