He's waiting for me? He smiles and runs over to him, and they walk towards the cafe. "Why did you have to come here? Do you work here today?"

"No, I quit working here and at the bar."

"Oh, why?"

Seungkwan looks at him as if he should know the answer, which he should.

Ah...Wonwoo...right. "Where do you work then? The music store?"

"I work there on weekends, I have another job that I work mostly nights at."

"Nights?! Doing what?"

"Just work."

They walk into the cafe and see Jeonghan working in the coffee bar.

"Kwannie!" Jeonghan runs over to them and gives Seungkwan a hug. "Thank you for coming, I just need you to fix this machine real quick."

Jeonghan drags Seungkwan over to the coffee bar and shows him the broken espresso machine and Seungkwan starts fixing it.

"Kwan knows how to fix those kinds of machines?" Mingyu asks Jeonghan. "Yeah, only him and Wonwoo...can fix it when it breaks, but Wonwoo can't come until later."

"Ah...I see." Mingyu's attitude always changes quickly whenever Wonwoo is brought up.

"I'm glad to see you back with Kwannie again. Is he doing better?"

"Well...not really. I mean I saw him a week ago and then today and that's it. But we barely spoke."

"Vernon told me about what Cheollie did, I really don't understand him. Did you explain to Seungkwan yet?"

"No, we keep getting interrupted or I get too nervous."

"Why would you be nervous, it's just a misunderstanding."

"What if he doesn't fully forgive me?"

Jeonghan smiles and pats Mingyu's arm. "Kwannie may be stubborn, as hell, but he's not petty. Just explain, he'll feel relieved once he knows the truth."

"You're right, I need to tell him today. Thank you, hyung."

Seungkwan finishes up and walks over to them. "All done. I have to go to work, Hannie. I'll see you guys later-"

"Wait-" Mingyu stops him from walking out the door right as Wonwoo walks in.

He walks in with a case of books and smiles when he sees Seungkwan. "Kwannie? You're back?!"

Seungkwan backs up, but Wonwoo is already pulling him into his arms and hugging him.

"I missed you!"

Jeonghan runs over, while awkwardly laughing, and pulls Wonwoo back While Mingyu pulls Seungkwan back.

"Let's go, Kwan-ah."

"Wait." Wonwoo grabs Seungkwan's hand and looks him in the eyes. "Can we talk?"

"Wonwoo, I don't think that's a good-"

Wonwoo cuts Jeonghan off and pulls Seungkwan towards the back office.

"Hey, Wonwo-"

Wonwoo slaps Mingyu's hand off his shoulder and turns to glare at him. "I asked Kwannie, not you."

"Mingyu, it's fine." Seungkwan follows Wonwoo into the backroom and sits on his desk.

Wonwoo locks the door then goes to hug him again, but he puts his hand up to stop him. "I came here to listen to whatever you have to say, that's it."

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