away from here

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She wants to get away from here.

She doesn't know where to go, has no destination, but also no start.
She gets on a bus, drives to the end and gets on the next one.

At some point she is back at a place she can call her start. Over and over again. No matter how far away she was. She comes back as if something is drawing her here. What does she know just as little as why she flees every day.

She wants so much to get away from here. Get out of this black and white world where she can't find a place.

Packing her bags without attracting attention, packing only the bare necessities. Maybe on a train this time.
Her world becomes more and more lifeless,more and more colorless. She stops laughing, the strangers on her escapes are not interested in her laughter.

She stops talking, there is no reason to talk. Nobody asks her where she is going and she has been flying for so long that she forgets herself.

It is as if she were a ghost.

Half dead, still somewhere in this world. Sometimes present and sometimes dreamed away.
Her life in black and white without any sense.

But sometimes

She meets people on the way, who paint messages with graffiti, in multicolored under all possible bridges.
And sometimes, she sees people who bring color back into her life. Show her new places, create memories.

And now and then, she sees a sense in her escape. She is no longer hovering somewhere between start and finish, she has arrived.

She's not gone, she's still right there, but now she has a world that is full of color and offers her a place.

Look at the stars, tell the moon Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora