Chapter 14

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William clapped his hands together once "Right. Well. That sounded rather dramatic I suppose. But there certainly is stabbing to be done," he said as he turned and walked behind the counter he was standing next to.

He hummed the Pirates Cove theme as he pulled out a flat, wooden box. "Good, I see you haven't lost any of the knives, Vanessa." William pulled out one of the knives to inspect the blade.

He slid the sharp end across his left index finger carefully, drawing a thin line of blood from his skin before furrowing his brow at the knife. "You haven't been keeping them sharp have you?" he asked as he turned his attention away from the blade and back to Nessa.

"I— there hasn't been time recently," she replied quietly, looking at the ground.

"Really. What did I always tell you? Keep your knives sharp! First it's not keeping them sharp. Next it's waiting to clean them until morning. Then it becomes having a box of filthy, bloody, disease-ridden knives that can be used as evidence." William looked at the two other knives in the box. "These two seem good enough though, we can use them."

Henry shook his head. "You're insane. What makes you think stabbing will solve any problems?"

"It's worked before," William responded with a shrug.

Elizabeth looked both confused and shocked. "Before...? What do you mean?"

"Oh! You know, just some people who were too nosy. Discovered too many secrets. Just generally getting in my way and irritating me. Couldn't even tell you their names to be honest. If you want that information, you'd have to talk to Vanessa. Speaking of which, why don't you come grab a knife and take care of the Emily child?"

"Try it. I dare you," Charlie said with a scowl, but a slight hint of pride at Nessa revealing herself to be the horrendous monster Charlie knew she was.

Nessa glanced between William and Charlie, seeming uncertain.

"Vanessa? Why are you hesitating? It's not like you've never done this before?"

"Maybe there's some sort of compromise?" Evan asked meekly.

"The time for compromising is over, my son. If you learn one thing from me, let it be that murder is sometimes a delightful solution to many problems."

Michael scoffed. "As if we would want to be anything like you or even learn anything from you."

William tilted his head. "Dead is also an option for you. I always found you rather irritating anyways. But perhaps there's still a use for you. I hear you're quite good at sketching out blueprints for animatronics! You'll become quite like me sooner than you think. Your next lesson is how to make enemies suffer!" He proceeded to turn and stab Henry in the shoulder before anyone had a chance to react.

Henry covered his mouth with the hand opposite from the injured shoulder to avoid letting out a pained shout. Elizabeth shrieked. Evan froze. Michael looked around the rest stop frantically as if looking for a solution. Charlie dashed forward only to be held back by Nessa, this time by her uninjured hand.

"Let go!" Charlie snapped as she attempted to tug her hand free.

"Really Vanessa, don't drag it out too much," William said with a long-suffering sigh, barely paying attention is he twisted the knife further into Henry's shoulder.

Nessa grabbed the other knife from the countertop, giving Charlie a regretful glance as the she watched the child try even more desperately to break free.

Michael lunged forward and grabbed Nessa's wrist firmly in an attempt to get her to drop the knife. She merely twisted her arm out of his grasp and knocked him off to the side with a firm elbow to his injury.

Nessa held the knife up with a shaky hand staring down at Charlie. "You're exactly the pathetic excuse for a human being I thought," Charlie spat.

Nessa's gaze hardened. "Maybe I am pathetic. But I'm not what you think." She released her grip on Charlie and stabbed William in his right forearm, pulling the knife out as quickly as she put it in.

William let go of the knife he'd dug into Henry's shoulder, not bothering to remove it. "That was rather stupid of you, Vanessa," he said calmly, though there was an undercurrent of anger in his tone. "What exactly made you think injuring your only ally, the person who has taught you so much, your mentor, your father... what made you think stabbing such a person would be a wise decision in any way, shape or form?" William didn't even seem to notice the blood flowing from his arm.

Michael and Charlie ran over to help Henry. Elizabeth pushed over an office chair for him to sit down in. Evan pulled out some first aid supplies from his backpack, despite knowing they wouldn't be much good.

Nessa stared at the bloody knife in her hands, as she had no idea what she just did or how she did it. Her face slowly turned into a grin as she stared at the knife before she began to laugh hysterically. "You think you succeeded at a single one of those things?" she practically whispered when she stopped laughing a moment later. "You think the only reason I was able to kill before wasn't because I imagined that the victims were you? You think the only reason I haven't tried to kill you yet is anything other than my own cowardice?"

Michael glanced over at Nessa and William. "Should we do something?" he asked quietly.

Elizabeth made a slightly guilty face. "I'd kinda rather see how this plays out." Charlie nodded in agreement.

"I'd prefer if there was no more stabbing, but I don't particularly want to see any more stabbing today, no matter who gets stabbed," Evan replied.

"Okay... we'll ask Uncle Henry," Michael said as he turned towards the most reasonable adult in the room, not that the bar was very high.

"He's unconscious," Evan responded.

"I now see that. That complicates things," Michael replied with a face that could only be described as the face of someone trying desperately to keep it together.

Police sirens. Everyone paused and saw police cars with flashing lights outside the window.

"That simplifies things," Michael said, relaxing ever so slightly.

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