Chapter 8

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Charlie immediately ran over to where Michael and Elizabeth were. Elizabeth seemed to be fine, a couple bruises. Michael on the other hand, had already lost about a half liter of blood. He didn't seem too concerned as he took off his jacket and applied a bit of pressure to the wound before going to stand up.

William stepped in front of Henry. "Henry! I wasn't expecting to see you here. I feel that I must inform you that, despite the door being unlocked, this location is currently closed. I'm afraid you'll have to come back in a couple of days!"

Henry scowled. "William—"

"Ah!" William interrupted him. "Read the name tag, my friend. Back in Hurricane I may be William, but here the name is Dave."

"What? Stop being ridiculous William—"


Henry pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Fine. Whatever. We don't have time for this, Dave, because Michael is currently bleeding to death!"

Michael glanced over as he readjusted his jacket to a makeshift bandage. "Now that's a bit dramatic. I would like to get out of here, but I'm not dying."

"Michael you're bleeding through your jacket," Charlie observed dryly.

"How was I supposed to know!"

"By looking. With your eyes."

"Hah. I went blind from stress. Checkmate."

"What the heck, Michael."

"You WHAT?!" Henry practically shouted, giving William a stone cold look. "We need to get you to a hospital and find you a therapist when we get home."

"Unnecessary, 'tis but a flesh wound," William said, waving his hand dismissively. "He'll be fine in the morning.

"I very strongly disagree," Elizabeth argued as she stood up, her voice a bit shaky from adrenaline. "Michael looks like he's about to fall over."

"Lizzie, it's not that bad. Are you fine?"

"Don't be an idiot. I know you can't see but it's pretty obvious I'm doing far better than you are."

"That's it, I'm calling an ambulance," Henry said.

"No! Let's just go home," Michael protested.

"Michael's not wrong. I should be taking my children home," William said.

"Are you serious right now? Michael needs to go to an emergency room and you know fully well that you have no legal grounds for keeping these kids," Henry argued.

"When has the law ever stopped me, my friend? I seem to recall that we used to steal parts for our animatronics back before we opened to diner."

"That was an entirely different circumstance. Don't make me involve the police, William."

William tapped the name tag on his shirt. "The name's Dave. Come along now, you three," he said to Michael, Elizabeth and Evan.

"No," Elizabeth said stubbornly.

"No? Stop being ridiculous. The last time you didn't listen to me you almost died and now your brother is bleeding. Things will only get worse if you don't listen to me."

"We're not going with you," she insisted. Evan side-eyed her. He might be concerned about her temper and stubbornness at times, but he was also a bit jealous of how headstrong she could be.

"Honestly, what did I do to deserve everyone making my life harder? All of you are making this much harder than it needs to be." William sighed and pulled out a small remote. "It's like you think I'm above using violence or something."

"Ready or not, here I come!" A sadistic voice rang out with a chuckle as Funtime Freddy charged over. He grabbed Charlie with a claw, but William pressed a button that caused Freddy to freeze right before the button retracted.

"There, that should make it easier to get the point across. Here's how this is going to go, I'm going to walk out of here with my children, you two are going to allow that, and once I begin driving away I'll release the pathetic child," William declared with a smirk.

Henry simply glared and Charlie stared down Elizabeth in some sort of silent clown-to-clown communication.

"Wait! Can Charlie come with us?" Elizabeth asked.

Charlie blinked. Huh. She hadn't actually expected her message to get through.

"Now, Lizzie, why would you want that annoying brat to come with us?"

"Because she's my sister and I would be a lot happier and better behaved with her living with us," Elizabeth said matter of factly, as though she had planned this speech for weeks.

"Alright, fine. But if she gets in the way I'm kicking her out," William said in a resigned tone.

"Do I get a say in this?" Henry asked incredulously.

"You do not," Elizabeth and William said simultaneously.

Charlie winked at Henry when William glanced away. Henry frowned and mouthed what she could only assume bestowing her trash duty when things returned to normal.

William pressed on the remote again and Charlie dropped to the ground, though Funtime Freddy stayed close behind her. "Don't think this means I'll allow any funny business, Henry."

"Uhm, Father, Michael doesn't seem like he'd be able to walk quite right," Evan interjected, proud of himself for speaking in a normal volume.

"I can walk just fine!" Michael protested, stumbling forward a few steps with a pained cringe.

"I got it, no worries," Charlie said before William could say anything. She promptly wrapped Michael's arm around her shoulders despite his protests. "Alright, let's go," she said as she half-dragged him forward.


The ride back to William's was uneventful and they didn't stop at the emergency room. William frowned at Charlie. "Since your presence was..." he glanced at Elizabeth out of the corner of his eye. "unexpected, you'll be sleeping on the floor."

Charlie shrugged as she left Michael on the couch. "I'll sleep on the ground," Michael offered.

"Do whatever, I don't care," William replied as he left to make sure Elizabeth didn't burn down the house. She'd offered to make dinner since he'd allowed Charlie to come with them and had run over to the kitchen.

"Absolutely not, you're injured," Charlie said to Michael.

"I told you, it's not that bad!"

"Uh-huh. Evan always has a first-aid kit in his backpack. You should ask him to help you not die."

"Oh please, it's not nearly that bad. It would have to be about three liters of blood loss to die!"

"No idea how true that is, but it could still get infected."

"I'll ask Evan for help if you sleep on the couch."

"Ugh. I hate you sometimes."

They both glared at each other for a moment before snickering. "Good to have you back. But I hope you have a plan after Elizabeth pulled you into this."

"I wanted her to pull me into this. Although yeah, I totally have a great plan. It's amazing. I'll tell you later."

"You have no plan."

"I have no plan."

"You're an idiot."

"But I'm a lucky one, I haven't died yet!"

Michael squinted in her direction dubiously. "That's a terrible reason to be stupid."

"Is it really so hard to trust me?"

"Given how stupid you can be, yes."

"Says the one who crashed the minivan after committing grand theft auto."


Elizabeth set bowls of cereal garnished with extra sugar on the table. "Dinner time!"

FNaF but AU/Less people dieWhere stories live. Discover now